Chapter 18 - The truth is bitter

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TW: Violence!

I feel my pulse on my throat as someone removes the blindfold I've been wearing on my eyes. My mouth was also covered, and I felt my body aching every second.

My wrists and legs were tied up in a chair. It took me a couple of blinks to see my surroundings. I was in a box room, white walls, no windows. The floor was tiled in white.

"Hey, look at me." The same male figure who shot me says in front of me. I looked down at my leg and saw that it was wrapped in a cloth to stop the bleeding. I looked up.

"Right now, you don't know who I am. But you'll soon know." The man says and he removes the cover of my mouth.

"W-what do you want from me?" I asked, stuttering with my words. "Why are you doing this?" I added, eyeing him, feeling light headed.

"Do you remember what happened on November sixteen, two thousand sixteen?" The guy asked, and I felt my world spin, I nodded.

"Do you know what actually happened?" The guy said, stalling. "I was there when it happened..." I replied and he laughed bitterly.

"I know, because I was the one who caused that 'car accident'," The guy said and I gaped at him, my eyes filling with tears. "Your father...he had some debts he couldn't pay for." He shrugged his shoulders as if that killing someone's family was logical.

"Did you know how much money I had to pay to cover up the news to make it seem like a car accident, not a hit and run?" He says, I felt sick to my stomach and a single tear rolls down my cheek. I couldn't speak, my mind wasn't working at the moment because it was too much to understand.

"Your father isn't who you think he was," he says. "I know my father, and how dare you!" I spat, he shakes his head and he tuts. "He was part of the mafia, and he had the audacity to run away, he had a lot of debts to pay and enemies to kill, but he chose to run away instead. Can you believe that?" He's trying to fool me. I don't want to believe him. "He thought he was going to have his happily ever after." He grimaced.

"Why did you do it?" I retort. Tear after tear. "Was it worth it?" I added, bitting my trembling bottom lip to stop it from shaking.

"It was fun, at least," He answered, shrugging his shoulders at the same time. "You remember your little sister?" He asked and a sob teared out of me.

"She looks exactly like you, but she's stubborn." He shook his head. What the hell does he mean? Is he trying to mess with my head?

"She's dead!" I shouted and he glared at me. "She's fucking not, she's alive, and she's breathing!" He shouted back, laughing as if it was ever going to be funny.

And as if what he said was proved, someone from behind him smashed a bottle of empty alcohol on his head and I watched as he fell on the ground. There was a girl, around 14-15 years old, the one who smashed the bottle.

"Who..are you?" She asked, the same damn thing I was going to say. She looks sickly similar to young Alice. It can't be...

"Alice?" I asked and her expression changed from confused to surprised. "I'm Anastasia, remember me?" I added and she runs to me, wrapping her arms around me and my heart breaks in pieces.

"What happened? I thought you were..." I said, letting my words trail off. "Dead?" She finished for me and breaks the embrace. "They hid and adopted disappearance was fake, they are the ones who took me." She says, pulling out a pocket knife and started cutting my ties on my wrist and also my leg.

"Thank you," I said, rubbing my wrist as it ached. "Come on." She said and I stood up, trailing after her as we leave the room and enter a huge hall. "Where are we?" I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders. "Do you have a phone I can borrow?" I asked her and she came into a halt and turned around me. "Why?" She retorts. "I need to call someone quickly." I replied and she gives me a curt nod and continued walking until we reach a wall with a telephone glued on the wall.

I dialed a phone number that I memorized to my heart.


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