Chapter 16 - Truth or Drink

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"Have you ever been kissed?"
"Have you ever been in-love?"
"What's your type in men?"

I unfortunately have been picked by the magical glass bottle 2 times in a row. Three out of the three questions I had been asked, I drank instead of answering. I'm not really a fan of underage drinking, but I'm turning 18 years old in 3 months. But I'm not really planning on drinking my way until I turn 70 years old.

It was 11:09 PM, and we've been playing for an hour. There are only eight people playing because the others are having their own life, all eight of us were standing in a circle shape, in the center was a table and a glass bottle which serves as the chooser of the Truth or Drink.

"Do you fancy someone in this room?" Natalia asked Julian with a teasing tone when the bottle points at him. Natalia winks at me and I laughed at Natalia. Everyone eyed me and I shrugged my shoulders. "What?" I said.

"Drink." Julian says in a smoky tone, I gotta say, that was pretty hot. I watched as he finished the refill of alcohol he poured in his plastic cup in one gulp.

"Hey, hottie, wanna dance?" Someone from behind approached me and I turned around, I think it was one of the 12 graders who apparently got invited here. Before I got the chance to reject his offer, Julian interrupted us and stood between us. "She's mine," Julian says and I gaped at him while he took my hand in his.

"So now you're claiming her?" The boy says. "No, I meant she's taken," Julian replied and shook his head. "She's going to dance with me." Julian added and I chuckled at his remarks. Due to the amount of alcohol he drank, it's starting to affect him too.

I watched as Julian dragged me towards the area where there weren't many people and a speaker was playing a song I could recognize, 'Give Me Everything by Pitbull'.

I started dancing freestyle, just going along with the rhyme and beat of the music and Julian too. He twirled me around and I laughed, grinning at him as we continued dancing together.


After a while of dancing with Anastasia, I decided it was time to go back because it was getting pretty late. 12:57 AM. We were still in the forest.

"I don't want to go back yet!" Ana frowned at me, plastered, and I pinched her cheeks with both of my hands, unable to hold myself back. "But we have to go or the teacher will catch us." I replied in a teasing tone, grinning, amused by her pouting skills. I drew my hand back and poked her nose. "Bop." I said and she laughed. "What are you doing?" She asks, and I decided now is the perfect time since she is distracted.

In the speed of the light, I swooped her by her feet and carried her in a bridal style. "Ugh, I hate you." She says as I started walking back to our tent not so far away. "No, Ana, you don't." I replied, smiling. Thankful that I didn't drink much, and if I ever did, it's wearing off.
To my surprise, when we arrived at our tent, Anastasia fell asleep while I carried her. Carefully, I placed her in her sleeping bag and removed her eye glass, placing it on a vacant spot.

I closed the zipper of the tent and slipped on my sleeping bag. Ready to doze off, but before I did, I turned my head towards Ana, she was peacefully sleeping. Her facial features are captured by the moonlight that peaks through the tents opening mosquito net ceiling.

Her face is somehow majestic, I can't take my eyes off her. There's just something inexplicably breath-taking about her, the way she moves and the way she acts, everything.

Slowly, my eyes find their way to her necklace, my necklace. Maybe tomorrow, I should tell her...

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