Chapter 3 - Unknown caller

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I arrived exactly before dinner, I was a bit late because of the traffic.

"Ana!" Zianna, my half-sister who's 5 years old comes running to me, hugging my legs the second she saw me entering the foyer.

"Hi, little Zia." I messed up her hair and hugged her back.

"Hey! I just spent one hundwed counts on bwushing my hair!" She mumbles, still stuttering with her words. I chuckled in response and removed my shoes.

"Sorry, little Zia." I said as I rushed to the dinner room and Zianna follows me like a puppy.

"Oh look who's back at her first day at school after summer, how was it?" Paps asks while I throw my bag at the coach and join them at the table beside Xander.

"It was good, the usual." I replied with a smile on my face and glanced at little Zia who's making faces at me from across the chair. At her right was mom.

"The usual? No boys caught your eyes yet?" Mam says and I shook my head laughing.

"No, Ma. Just accept it, I'm not fit for teenage romance." I said, Xander nudged my arms.

"What?" I whispered, turning my head towards him, he shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. Probably a gesture of showing off that he already has a girlfriend at the age of 13. And none of our parents knows about it, he's so discreet about it and yet told me.
After dinner, I went to my bedroom and sat on my chair in front of my desk. I opened my laptop and started playing some games to spend some time alone.

As I was about to shut down my laptop, my phone on my lap started ringing. The caller was unknown, I'd get a lot of calls from scammers but this one is different, because it doesn't say 'spam caller',  I answered the call and out it on my ear. "Hello-" I sighed and ended the call. Definitely a spam caller. Or maybe it wasn't, I'm pretty sure they'll call back.

I shut down my laptop and closed it, heading to my bed to rest.

As I laid down, there was another caller. But it was Natalia. I answered it and placed it on speaker.

"Hey, Lia. What's up?" I said, shifting on my bed to get more comfortable.

"Heyy girll! Don't get mad, okay? But I just wanna let you know that I gave that little cutie 'Julian' your number..." She seemed enthusiastic at first then started sounding like she made a mistake at the end.

"You what?!" I asked for confirmation, sounding surprised. I couldn't believe she would give that boy my number, I mean he looked cute, like she said, but I don't know him.

"Sorry, girl. Gotta go, love ya, bye." She hangs up and I gawk at my phone in disbelief. It took me a couple of more minutes before I gained composure and went through my history calls, clicked the recent 'unknown caller', and called the number back.

It took a few calls before it finally answered. "Hello?" I placed the call on the speaker.

"...Hey, is this Anamitra?" The voice asks.

"Anastasia. And who is this?" I retort.

"Oh, it's Julian from class. I'm sorry for calling you but you were the only person I could call because I got a new phone. Your friend Natalie gave me your phone numb-"

"Natalia." I said, completely not amused. I don't know if this guy is forgetful of names or changing our names on purpose.

"Oh, yeah sorry," I hear him clear his throat on the other line. "Do you have notes on Science? My pen kinda run out of ink while I was writing.."

"Hold on," I stood up from my bed and went to my desk where my notebook was placed. I flicked through the pages and found I did write one. "Hello, you still there?..I did write a note, I'm going to send you a pic." I said.

"Yeah? Thank you. I'm sorry for bothering-" I interrupted him. "And by the way, you could've just asked for a pen, I have plenty. And you're welcome."

"Okay, bye." He says and I hung up, I took a picture of the note and sent it to him.

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