Chapter 2 - Feels

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'It'll be a fresh start', they say. It's what my mother said. It's what my father said. Although to me, switching schools and moving into another house doesn't seem like a fresh start to me, it seems like we're trying to start on another life and forget about the past.

They want to, and the problem is, I don't want to. Even though it's my fault, I know that. Me and my parents recently moved into another country because of my father's new job opportunity. Or maybe that's just an excuse?

I'm coming home from school on a bus. The school seems great, everyone seems friendly. Maybe I was exaggerating at first, but this private school isn't what I expected.

Though, there's this one girl I can't take my mind off, her name is Anastasia. We all introduced ourselves in the third period, which is English. Whenever I see her face, I get this overwhelming feeling that I've seen her from somewhere or I've seen her before. But I can't remember. Her name sounds familiar too...

Well, maybe I'm just being delusional. I snapped out of it and scrolled through my phone instead, hoping it'll distract me from my untamed thoughts.
When I got home, it was a raging chaos. My little new born sister has recently been discharged from the hospital. Her name is Celestine, it was supposed to be Juliette but my mother insists on Celestine, she says it has more 'meaning'. 'Heaven' or 'the color of the sky'.

She has our mother's eyes and our father's nose, the copy and paste of my parents, just like me and her.

"Julian! Oh thank goodness you're home! How was school?" My mother asks while cradling Celestine in her arms with a baby bottle filled with milk on the poor baby's mouth.

"Hey, ma. It was great." I offered her a forced smile and took off my shoes, placing them on the shoe holder nearby. I was about to head upstairs until the baby's screeching filled my ears.

"Oh, Julian, baby, would you mind if you take care of her just for a moment? I have to prepare dinner." I turned back around and took Celes short for Celestine off my mother's arms and went straight to my bedroom.

"Shh, shh. Don't cry baby sis, just give me a sec." I whispered to her while she continued screeching at the top of her lungs. I closed my door using my foot and opened the lights, dropping my bag on the floor, I placed little Celes in my bed and started making faces at her, which didn't work.

I tried blowing raspberries at her tummy, she laughed but it didn't last long because that baby, kicked me right in the nose. "You're a strong one, aren't you? Hmm?" I winced at the pain and rubbed my nose. I started to cradle her back into my arms as mom started calling for me downstairs.
I finished eating dinner, and my father came home a minute before we started eating, we talked about school. I helped mom with the dishes after I finished eating to help her a bit. I went to my bedroom, exhausted. I already got changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth so I went straight to sleep early at 8 PM.

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