Chapter 13 - I'm him

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"Go, Julian! Go!" Anastasia, who had been cheering me up while I participated in the little games the teacher set up, 4 games which are: three legged race, duck duck goose, simon says, and tag. I've won three out of the four games, who could blame me when I had Anastasia screaming at the top of her lungs every time I won? I asked her to participate, but she said she felt tired.

I was playing the fifth game, which was the last game for the day: Jenga. Unfortunately, I lost, on purpose, because I wanted to. I felt a bit bad for the others who always lost to me.

"Well, good job everyone! Games over, I need you all to come back here exactly at 6 PM, for dinner." Mr. Thompson says as he shoo us all.

I walked beside Anastasia and nudged her arm, "Hey, you okay?" I asked her and she nodded her head. "I'm okay." She says, smiling as we make our way to our tent.

I sighed and flopped on my sleeping bag, turning my head towards her, the same time she did to me.

"I'm hungry." She says, a small smile crept on her face, I pulled out my phone, which I may have not confiscated yet and am not planning on. 5 PM. "You wanna eat snacks? I have some, if you want." I suggested, sitting down and grabbing my bag. "If that's okay." She replies, also sitting down, her black hair falling to her shoulders. "Of course, it's okay." I replied, rummaging through my bag, then finally found a bag of chips, chocolate pretzel snack, onigiri rice ball, which thank goodness I also packed up yesterday.

"Whatcha want?" I asked her, patting the space beside me indicating to sit next to me.

She does so, she points out at the onigri rice ball, and I gave it to her. "Thank you," she says as she opens the packaging and took a bite. "You're welcome." I replied, opening the bag of chips and started eating.
At 6 PM, it was already dark, but thanks to the campfire that was built as a source of light, as we all circle the fire, eating. The food wasn't too bad at all, minestrone soup, which is perfect for the cold temperature during night, especially at this area.

We were all sitting down a log, beside me, Anastasia shivered. I snapped my head towards her, she wasn't eating her food yet, she was just holding the bowl in her lap. "You cold?" I whispered to her and she nodded her head. I held my bowl of soup on my left hand and started moving my hand up and down on her back.

I know it won't help the fact that she's cold, but I'm just trying to give her comfort. I noticed that since this morning, she's been tired and fatigued.

After a while, I stopped rubbing her back and continued eating my soup, and she started eating hers.
When we finished eating, me and Anastasia went straight back to the tent, because I insisted.
There was no point of staying back there outside because it was almost curfew.

"Do you think I'll ever see him again?" She asks me randomly and I turn my head towards her. "Who?" I retort. "The boy who gave me the necklace," She replies, fidgeting with the key between her fingers. "I don't really recall the boy's face, and ever since these past few weeks, I've been thinking about it." I'm him.

"I'm sure you'll see him again," I replied, turning my head plastered on the ceiling of the tent. "Really? I don't really remember the memory clearly, the only thing I know is that he gave me this." She let go of the necklace and imitated me, looking at the ceiling of the tent.

"You'll remember." I replied, as if I knew that.

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