Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Roman POV

My hand grabs her throat, and Sandy's hip jerks with my next hand as I rock her dangerously fast on my cock. Tears streamed from her eyes, and her face was tinged blue and pallid.

Her pussy crushed my cock, and I could feel the charge of my dark desires reaching its peak. By the second, I was happy with my hand squeezing out her life and my cock burrowing into her. She couldn't talk; all she could do was grunt in her anguish and moan in her delight.

She spoke with me by tapping on my wrist. When I glared at her hand, she gently removed it and held my waist instead.

I'd then push her up and slam my cock into her, as I felt myself approaching.

It was never meant to please her, but with her cream, which had circles around my base, I could see she appreciated my malicious method all too much. I love it when a lady screams during sex. I also enjoy it when they resist and groan, as she is doing now.

"I'm coming." I moaned, clutching her neck tighter, and felt my fingers burrowing too deeply into her flesh, causing a gash; I could already see the redness beneath the point of my nails. "Fuck!" I yelled as I poured my juice into her. With her still on my cock, I carefully returned to my laying position on the bed.

It jerked in her as every single drip covered her walls.

I gently released her neck, and she panted, sliding her little body onto my somewhat larger frame, both of our chests moving in sync.

My phone buzzed beside me on the bedside table. I reached for it and discovered a text message from July.

Sum😇: meet me outside on the back patio.

Sandy snorted, totally taken off guard, as I threw her off of my arms. "I will be back. We can have dinner."


"Yes, dinner."

"Where're you going?"

"If you truly want to survive this world, please do not question me, love."

I slipped a shirt and my pants on and slipped out the door.

************ Summer POV

I was in bed for the past hour. I've eaten and showered. But I was tenacious. Staring at the TV didn't help. And receiving texts on my phone about meeting up at the joint was like an itchy sensation beneath my skin.

This was the point in my life when I wished I had persuaded Roman to send me off to college so I could enjoy the social life I had always desired. I couldn't tolerate remaining at home and being the pillow princess, as they called it.

Sliding outside into the lovely spring air, I sent Roman a message. This spring was as hot as summer.

The moon was lurking under the dense fog of the clouds and stars, merely fiddling; it was their job to aid the moon deliver light.

I didn't bother swinging by Roman's room since I couldn't handle the sound of her having it with the fifth officer female this month. Sandy Dunkin is her favorite among them all. She is capable of handling whatever sexual tension she may be experiencing. Roman was bad in one form or another.

I heard the door move open and then click closed. I sensed her dark frigid presence as soon as her palm touched both sides of the wooden board that supported the patio's construction.

The patio included a glass table with a little umbrella in the center and a few of seats strewn about.

"Is there something wrong, Summer? "You're not in your jammies." She spoke quietly into my ears. I rolled my eyes and disregarded the shivering sensation down my spine caused by my hormones. I despise how she causes tingling in some areas of my body. It is horrible. "Have you eaten?"

"I did." I whispered. I felt a kiss on the side of my neck. My cheeks flushed hot, and I'll probably have to have a chat with her about this. My back is against her.


"And, Daddy, I had a shower and stayed in bed for hours, but I want to go out." I was employing an innocent voice to obtain what I wanted.

"Want to go out?"

"Mhm...mhmm, no guard." I negotiated.

"You have to be joking?"

"Roman, please." I turned around.

"Roman?" She was allowing me time to correct the name-calling.

"Daddy." I gritted.

She sighed, leaned forward, and pecked both of my cheeks, then my forehead. "You may go, but I need you back here within one hour."

I believe Roman forgets that I will be 22 in a matter of weeks and have been an adult for over four years.

My brow wrinkled; I despise having to haggle for time to play.

"Three hours, daddy."

"1hour." She hung onto her price.

"Three hours please." I kept mine as well. By the time I arrived to the restaurant, I'd lost at least 30 minutes off my hour.

"Please," I implored.

"Fine. But no drugs, drink, or sex."

I glared.

"If anyone touches you, Summer, I will murder them. Do you want any of your friends to be thrown in an abandoned warehouse and beaten to death?" She asked.


"Good girl, so stay to yourself."

My lips curved into a sneer; she won't know whether I did or should have done anything.


"Do you want money?" she inquired.

I shake my head. She withdrew the hand that was keeping me prisoner. "I believe the skirt's too short." I gasped softly as her fingertips reached my thighs. She pulled the skirt from my waist and slipped it to my lower hips. "I don't want anyone to see your thighs."

"Can you not be obsessed with everything?"

"You may either wear the skirt down to your knees or stay at home and watch TV with me."

"No." I said. She then began buttoning my shirt up to the ring around my neck.

"I don't want anyone to see your breast."

I groaned and gave a nod. We heard a tap on the door and saw Sandy. I rolled my eyes.

She seems pale, like a vampire, with a large mark around her neck.

"Must you always screw her? My mom died barely a year ago. Aren't you sad?"

"I am."

"Couldn't you simply wait a little longer?" I exclaimed, nearly groaned, as her hand gripped my waist and brought me closer.

"It's simply sex; nothing else. You are the only one I love." She bent down and kissed my lips for a brief moment. I felt tingles again.

"Be a nice girl, OK." She whispered. I nodded as I moved around her to swing the door open.

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Her Obsession (A Mafia Romance) girlxintersexWhere stories live. Discover now