Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Summer POV

My feet hang off Rajay's old Civic car. The throng in the joint was large, especially considering it was a Friday night. The bong was being handed around, and I had it in my hands for a brief moment before looking down at it.

I was not hooked to smoking or booze. But I was hooked on hanging out with Rajay and his many other broke buddies. They were broke, but they were the coolest kids in town. Who doesn't want to hang out with the cool kids? I shook my head and handed it over to Virginia. The group sighs since my participation in the illicit activity had wrecked their enjoyable time.

After all, they were a bunch; we did everything together.

"I simply don't see why Ra has you hanging about us; you're literally so dull." Saab stated.

It wasn't that I couldn't shot of the bong; rather, I could see the conspicuous black automobile parked just outside the joint's entrance. It was evident that one of the Roman soldiers was keeping an eye on me, and I could feel their gaze.

"Boring!" Saab proceeded with the topic. "boo!" She shrieked with her palm over her lips.

"Drop it, Saab."

"What! She's fucking boring; she should hang out with those stiff over there." She pointed back to the parking lot.

which had expensive cars parked and a few people, who dress high class stand. After high school, I didn't think I would see any social groups, but I did, and I'm part of one.

"I'm not boring."

"Go back home to mom."

I let out a hiss.

"You haven't even had a beer since you came here."

I rolled my eyes and took the crimson cup of beer from the Rajay. Beers in our town were served in plastic cups rather than cans with labels, and they said if we got intoxicated, we should do so professionally. And what's professional, like a nice plastic red cup, which is bad for the earth.

I downed the beer and grabbed the bottle of Hennessy that we had on the car's bumper and threw in a half cup, which I also drank. "Are you happy now?" I turned to Saab.

"Drinking weak beer and one cup of Hennessy won't make you any cooler; I can see the huge L on your forehead."

I let out a loud snarl. I grabbed for the bottle of Hennessy again, and Rajay encouraged me. I pour another drink and down it. My throat cries out as I go for another round. My body shook due to the powerful flavor that constricted my taste senses. I shake my head. "No more." I wheezed.

As the alcohol ran through my body, I rested against Jay, only to notice that my head felt light. I clutched it to keep it stable. I attempted to dismiss the feelings with a small shake of my head, but they appeared to worsen.

"I didn't think you'd make it out of that cell." Saab stated this as if she didn't realize Roman wouldn't let me sleep in there.

"Well, I won't be spotted over there again. I was weary of going to the joint, eating parking lot burgers, and shoving all of the illicit activities into my throat, lungs, and liver. I'd like a job, even if it's as a waitress at the joint.

The joints have been around since before high school, and before Jesus. It was where everyone hung out; once you don't have strict parents, you can bet you'll be at the joint.

"Aww, truly. Rajay and the rest of it are intending to return there." She gestures towards the rest.

"Why? We were busted. It smells, and it's purely for drug users."

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