Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Summer POV

Rajay, along with Josh and his other friends, had spent every second attempting to persuade me to speak with Roman. Rajay is like water, and Roman is like oil; they do not mix.

They don't realize that working for Roman was far worse than working in a grocery or fast food restaurant. She was unexpected and devious. She may be joking with you one moment, and then she could be pointing a gun at your face the next.

"I really don't want you with her."

"What is the big deal?" Aj said. We were all gathered back at the abandoned building. There was no enjoyment, and the joint did not come alive since it was too early in the morning.

"We sold a few bags and then hopped out. Nothing too big,"

"You don't just bounce in and out of the game. When you work for her, you labor until she kills you." I described the agony of working with Roman. "She makes you feel incredible, pays her off with a couple of fingers, then murders you." Recalling what I had seen a few hours before, I shuddered. "Then she leads you to Lexi, Rex, Deno, and Fucker."

"Who are they?" Aj asked. Saab sneered, not believing a word I was saying.

"They are four Rottweiler dogs that she has always starved, and she only feeds them human meat."

Saab laughed out loud, but nobody else appeared to be even mildly amused. "You truly believe this lie, stuck-up bitch. She only wants us to be poor so she can behave as if she is superior to us in the group."

"I never act as if I am better than any of you. Roman Zaborowski is not someone to mess with; keep away from her. Go get a normal job." I continued warning them, but they appeared to ignore it.

"Come on, Sum, look how we're struggling; we need real money."

"There's no point in attempting to persuade her. I told you to dump her. That is what you should do."

"Are you serious?!" Saab elicited an angry response from me.

I didn't want Rajay to break up with me since he kept me sane. Keeps me going. He is the motivation to leave the house and cleanse for a while.

My two-hour deadline has already passed, but I doubt Roman would be spotted in this area of town. Even if she dabbled in criminality, this was not her way. She prefers things clean yet bloody, not messy. She wants everything elegant, but her girls are slutty. My mother has to be slutty and always on her target. My mom enjoys being slutty for her.

The bong was being passed around the circle we created, but I broke it.

"Look, she can't even take a puff from it." Saab bellowed.

"I'm mature; I don't need to come here all the time to use drugs and get high!" I exclaimed.

"Then get the heck out of our group!"

"Without me, this group would collapse." I argued. "I am the one who usually gives money to buy drinks and drugs."

"We did not ask you to."

"You didn't, but now you're getting the heaviest hit from it." I snapped back. She slammed the bong down and stood up, drawing a knife from the waistband of her soiled jeans. She swung it as she got closer to me.

I guess she has forgotten that I have been around a Mafia leader for four years. What was a pocket knife supposed to do?

"Put the knife down. I do not want to hurt you." I hissed.

Her Obsession (A Mafia Romance) girlxintersexWhere stories live. Discover now