Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Roman POV

The cuisine on the table was appropriate for a monarch with a huge realm. I envision myself as the king, with my princess at my side and my peasants in front of me. I have respect where it comes from, but I never see someone as high as myself, nor do I consider them friends or enemies. I perceive them as individuals who work and collect my money.

However, even from this perspective, it does not always work that way. When my grandfather was the Mafia, the devil rest his soul; he had friends, walks with a grin, and is nothing but simple. My father was cold, aloof, and vicious, and I got worse.

I invited it inside. I didn't force it, but instead welcomed it.

But I quickly learned that no matter how vicious I was, there would always be guys, peasants in my kingdom, who wanted to rise above me.

The seven recruiters were placed at the top of the seat; I wanted them to feel hopeful that it would always be green on the other side of the world, but what they didn't realize was that the more the sun shined and the less rain fell, the dryer the grass became. Everything needs to be balanced.

The other men, who control my cargo are sat in the center, with a few additional workers situated at the other end of the table.

I picked up the champagne glass, and with a small tap of the table knife on the side, I managed to get everyone's attention.

"I only have a few things to say, and my final thanks to those at the table. For years, you have given your time, and I believe that the final gift I ask from you is your life." After my initial speech, everyone became silent. I proceeded to talk.

"Every person present has a purpose, whether it is to serve or offer their life; all contributions are valuable."

"I want to continue to emphasize, is that to the new recruiter, if you want to betray me, this will happen to you?"

Four of my guards stepped behind the four individuals in charge of my shipment. I figured everything out. They held a knife to their throat.

"Please, boss."

"When they betray me, they always plead, and I liked it; it's what motivates me to do this. The noises of their whimpering, crying, and wails. Nobody wants to die, yet they do what will get them killed. If you betray me as these pussies, this is what will happen to you."

I gestured a cut neck signal to the guards, which consisted of swiping a finger over the throat. They all nodded before swiping the blade beneath their throats. The blood spurted across the dining table, staining everyone with the scarlet spatter of betrayal.

They retched, and with a bang and a few smashed plates, their heads staggered to the supper table.

I proposed a toast, and everyone lifted their glasses. "To being loyal." I grinned, glancing at the frightened recruiters. "Neval, feed the dog."

"Let us dig in, shall we."


Summer POV

She made a toast, and everyone lifted their glasses. "To being loyal." She grinned, glancing at the frightened recruiters.

"Neval, feed the dog." She ordered as she removed the blood-splattered napkin off the table, folded it, and placed it on her lap.

"Let us dig in, shall we."

I was very close to her, and the dining table was large enough to fit two seats right at the end. Her fingers massaged my legs, and I felt electricity rush through me. I detest how a monster can give me such pleasure.

I believe my thinking has gone out the window when I first had these sentiments for her a months ago.

I gazed at the meal for a long time. The tiny splatters of blood are only on the border of my white plate, which has a silver line around it, like a picture perfect cloud.

I looked up and across to Rajay, who sat on my right. He looks great. He probably borrowed a suit because it appears a touch oversized on his slim figure. His hair was gel, and he was wearing a fake watch. His hand, which held the fork, was slightly shaking, and I alternated between feeling terrible for him and wanting to tell him how much he deserved it. I had told him that Roman was really nasty. What did he expect, given that she is the Mafia? Roses and grassland.

I gasped as I felt Roman's strong hold. My gaze darted over to her. She had a smile on her face. The smile that melts my heart. I resent her so much.

That was a lie, I remind myself, hoping for the truth.

"Aren't you going to eat, My darling?"


"Would you like me to feed you? She inquired in a worried raspy tone. I shook my head and picked up the fork. "I—I got it." I whispered. I returned my attention to the plate; the drip of blood seem to go at a sluggish rate, right into my sauce. I don't believe I should eat it, but I don't have an option. I am one of the wolves at the meal, therefore I must devour whatever meat is served.

I cast a peek across to Rajay; for some reason, my gaze could not leave him.

I took a short glance at his empty plate, which appeared to have droplets of blood splattered throughout the sauce.

He was really excited to be a part of this. He has his life. He may have had a future, but he gave it up completely. He appeared to transform the few hours after killing his cousin. That naive gleam in his eyes is gone. I wonder whether he was always like this, and if so, it may be similar to how Roman brings out different aspects of my personality to play. The only difference is that she reveals a vulnerable, innocent, and venerable side of me, whereas he is covered by darkness.

But, despite all of his evil, I could still detect fear and innocence; perhaps it is not too late for him to go. 

Her Obsession (A Mafia Romance) girlxintersexWhere stories live. Discover now