Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Roman POV

I clasped the phone in my hands. I couldn't think. My cock couldn't harden for another round of sex. I simply want to know she's secure, and having my guards inform me on her location didn't set right with me. She was in the woods with a man.

I don't know this person. I still don't understand how Summer does anything throughout the day and how I can make her feel obligated to turn away from me.

"I am confident she is secure; she is an adult."

I groaned in disgust as Sandy's hands rubbed up and down my body; if this was her method of relaxing me and helping my cock stand up, it was not working.

I'll confess it: Summer is all I want and can think of. Oh, my lovely Summer. I will never be able to let her go.

"I want her inside this fucking house."

Sandy wrinkled her brow, surprised by my conduct. "She's 21. She can go clubbing. She is capable of maintaining a relationship. She's an adult with a life to lead, just like you."

I snarled and pushed the blonde female off my lifeless cock. I grumbled and rubbed my hand through my obsidian black hair. I desperately need to see her. I call the guard's phone.

"What's she doing?" I growled.

"She's in the car, and it's rocking."

I scowled and threw the phone away. I went into the drawer and took out another phone, phoning the guard again. "You better get her home, or your fucking kids will be cooked in the hottest oil. I want her home within the next three minutes; time begins now." I threw the phone to the side.

I leaned back in the bed. I could hear Sandy whimper to the side, which irritated me to no end.

"Why the heck are you crying?"

She shakes her head. I grabbed her by the hair and brought her to me, hearing a little fracture in her neck muscles.

"You have to understand that Summer is my little girl, and I don't want anyone to hurt her or talk negatively about her. I'll murder them. This includes you, do you understand?"

She nodded. I shoved her off. "I will contact you regarding your ranking. Now get the fuck out of here."


Summer POV

I was just sinking into Rajay's cock when the car door was torn open and I was hauled off. I wasn't sure which was more embarrassing: being yanked off his cock or having one of my nipples dangling in the frigid air.

This was all but one person doing and that would be Roman. She observes my every move, which I find both repulsive and strangely charming. I know she has enemies, and it would break her heart, as she stated, if I got killed by them.

I could see a furious Roman walking horizontally along the long driveway. She had a glass of whiskey in one hand. I knew she was murmuring to herself to save her sanity.

As the car was parked, one of the four guards took me out like a parcel. He brings me directly in front of Roman. The guards remained unmoving behind me.

"Leave." she commands.

They scurried into the house.

"What's the problem?" I gently inquired.

"Where were you?"

"Didn't the guard inform you?"

"Don't be clever with me, little girl."

"I was hanging out with some friends."

"Sitting on a boy's little, sad cock isn't hanging out with friends."

"It is bigger than yours." I fired back.

She grasped my face, rage burning in her eyes, and I grinned within my head. She mirrors my smirk, allowing it to show on her lips. "You really want to test that hypothesis about whose cock is larger."

I gasped, my eyes sliding down to her belt, which was the most my gaze could go.

I know she didn't go around with her cock on her forehead, but I'd wager the inches were between 9 and 10. And Rajay—let's just say he has a lot more growing up to do in that regard.

She gently released my face, and I stomped away.

"Did I tell you I'm done with you, little girl?"

"We're done!" I yelled as I hurried up the stairs. I nearly yelled as I felt her seize me and throw me against the hallway wall. Her eyes flash a sinister expression.

"Little girl." She grunted. "Whose cock were you on?"

"I'm grown."

She drank down the whiskey and stood square in front of me.

The aroma burned my cheeks and strangely caused heat to flow throughout my area. I felt lightheaded again and clutched onto her shirt; she looked down at it, puzzled.

"You smell like him. Why do you smell like him? Her voice resounded with disdain.

"I love him and it was just a quickie, daddy."

She reached to swallow down another jet of liquid, but there was no trickle left. She threw the glass fiercely at the wall, and it broke. She let out a nervous breath and gazed down at me. She reached for the few buttons on my shirt and began unbuttoning them.

"What are you doing, Daddy?"

"I will shower you myself. I want every sign of that boy off your fucking flesh."

My stomach flipped, my pussy did the happy dance, and my heart fell. But I couldn't have her; seeing my body, I got a tattoo. I simply couldn't let her see it. She had many on her body, but was telling me I shouldn't. The tattoo wasn't very big. I acquired it in the mall. I was feeling adventurous so I went for it.


"Shh." She went away, pausing just at my door and opened it. "Get inside." She snarled.

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