Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Summer POV

I heard Roman approach her room and swiftly tossed her phone to the bedside table. She looked at me skeptically before shaking her head. Her phone was empty and clean, and I'm curious whether she spent each day removing everything.

I was delighted to see her before her perfume lulled me to sleep. I relaxed on the bed.

"The guests have gone." She stated as she began removing her rings, watch, and chain and placing them in the top drawer.


"Are you still sick?"

"No." I replied. "I want to—" My breath froze in my mouth as I noticed her take off her jacket and start unbuttoning her shirt. I should not be in here. I should not be looking.

Ok! Perhaps a quick glimpse won't damage the eyes.

There would be nothing wrong with indulging my inner impulses.

"I want to talk to you." My mouth wet as I stare at her naked upper body. Oh my goodness. I cleared my throat, expecting to speak more clearly, but I couldn't.

"Talk about what?"

She put a white T-shirt identical to mine over her torso. And I was unhappy that I couldn't have much more of her body. I almost shrieked when she lowered her slacks, revealing her inked legs.

"About kicking Rajay out." I summarized. I just wanted her to understand where this talk was going.


I consider this a queue to proceed. Before she put on sweatpants, I made sure to take a few photographs of her legs with my eyes. She walked into the bathroom and returned a minute later with her toothbrush in her mouth. She leaned on the doorframe while she waited for me to speak.

"I—uhm." I stammered. "I just want him to uhm...I want him out."

"Why would you care?" Her words came out practically incomprehensible, yet I could piece it together word by word.

"He is my friend. I wouldn't want my friend to die."

She shrugged. She turned back into the bathroom, and I could hear her cleaning her mouth.

I know I told Rajay he could stay for a year, but I don't believe I could accept it. I know he wouldn't make it.

She came back out of the restroom. "Are you asleep in here?"

I looked around on her bed. It was large enough. But I doubt that would be enough room for me not to be all over her. But! That was not the point. This was the point of the conversation.

"Please tell him that he cannot work with you."

"Why? He wants money and is prepared to work for it."

"And then died."

"Everyone dies; it's part of life."

"I mean, you killed him, and then his spirit and body are with the dogs."

"Well, as long as he doesn't piss me off and performs what he's been instructed, he's OK, Summer." She took up her phone and peered around before tossing it back on the table.

She stared down at me, her eyes taking in my entire physique. "You are wearing my shirt. It looks well on you."

"It's only one night."

As she sat on the bed, she grabbed my feet and drew me closer to her; in an instant, I was straddling her. I blushed as I felt her print immediately on my skin.

Her Obsession (A Mafia Romance) girlxintersexWhere stories live. Discover now