Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Summer POV

By the time I came home, the weakness had worn off, and I was ready to confront Roman. Why does she feel the need to follow me wherever I go? I crept over her, only to be held down by her.

Her jawline was as rigid as a stiff chainsaw about to slash a tree branch. "I don't want you over on the Russian territory." She gritted.

"I don't care. Virginia is my best friend, and I am not going to leave her out."

"It's unsafe over there. You could've been hurt."

"Hurt? You're the one who hurt me." I shouted. "You've hit me."

"It was an accident."

I know it was. But I just want to draw out the fight. I wanted to get something out of this. "You meant to do it?" I gave her a savage smack on the face, which took her by surprise and left her with her mouth open in shock. This gave me the opportunity to quickly move off her lap and enter the home. I made a beeline for the stairs.

The door banged, and she entered heated than a raging campfire. I walked into my room, banged my body on the bed, and broke down. My loud cries could be heard from a mile away.

It would take so long to spew it all out.

I could cry for ever, since my mom's death anniversary and my birthday coincide with the gradual loss of everyone I love.

I felt the bed sink.

"Leave me alone?" I hiccup.

"You know I won't?" She whispered. "I know you hate me right now, but I'm staying here."

I break down even more. I enjoyed her holding me a little too much, which made me feel bad. I wish I had the ability to shove her away. I was letting the biggest problem hold me, as I cried about her. I must be an idiot.

"I miss Mom."

"I know. I miss her, too."

I can sense it in my bones that she did not miss her.

"You don't need to miss her because I do. You should miss her since you have so many fond memories of her."

"I recall all the fun moments. I simply moved on."

"You didn't cry." I whispered. "You didn't even cry while she was sinking to the bottom."

"I couldn't. I need to be strong for you, Summer."

"There's nothing wrong if you cry."

"I cry."

"You do?"

"Yeah, when you are hurt, I cry?"

"However, you didn't when your wife passed away." I was attempting to figure out the reasoning behind it.

"I adored your mother."


"And you love me too, right? I am not a burden?"

"What? Where did you get that question from?" She gently rotated me in her arms so that I could face you. "If I could, I'd give you the world or burn it for you."

"Well..." I sniffled and busted out laughing. I feel silly for being so emotional. "Very lucky for you because I don't need the world and you can't destroy the one I have to live in."

"I simply want you to be secure at all times, and I'll go to any length to ensure that happens."

"Sometimes I need to venture out on my own." I reasoned. "I genuinely appreciate you always being there for me, but I can protect myself sometimes."

"You are my little Angel; I doubt I will ever see you as a soldier." She joked. "I love you." She murmured, nibbling my lips. I flushed crimson. I hope one day I can kiss her back. Deeper. Better. Much more than a peck on the lips. I want it to be significant. Nonetheless, I want to escape away from her. 

Her Obsession (A Mafia Romance) girlxintersexWhere stories live. Discover now