The world these group of friends once knew was now just a memory. Ever since an unknown disease broke out, the dead were able to live again and parade through the streets of their hometown. This squad will fight their way through to survive this new...
"Its fine," said the girl, "put down your gun, Zack."
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The door opened in front of the group, and stood there was a friend from school, Loreto. He smiled, and hugged whomever was in front of him, which happened to be Haru and Queen. "Come in come in," Loreto said, then shut the door behind them. They stepped into a living room, where a few more friends from school were there. Alissa and Carissa were standing up, and they seemed to be chatting about something, while their other friends Dorthy, Ranica, and Anthony were sitting on a couch.
"Oh my gosh," Dorthy said with excitement, "Survivors! Friend survivors!"
"We didn't know we were running into JDA territory," Haru replied. The three people from earlier, Abby, Zack, and Cody, walked into the room. Abby smiled, placing the knife down on a small table. "Sorry about the scare earlier," she said. Cody laughed, "You guys should've seen your faces."
"Who's that?" Queen asked, looking at Zack. Zack smugly smiled, "As you heard earlier, my name is Zack, Zack Floyd. I go to Orville High School down in Dereo," he said, setting his gun aside.
"Anyway," said Alissa, "you guys should get settled and stay here for a while. Its getting dark, and we would love some company."
"Oh, well sorry we're not that interesting," Loreto joked.
"Yeah yeah whatever. I'll go whiff us up something to eat. Help me out?" Alissa replied, turning over to Carissa and Cody to help her cook. They stepped out, heading over to the kitchen. Loreto took a seat near a small table, which was being used as a chess area, while Abby and Zack went to sit on the second couch. The room was pretty big, with a small coffee table, two couches by its sides, and a few more household items, like the chess area. A few of the group sat on the couches, while some stood around the room.
"So..." said Haru, not really enjoying the awkward silence.
"Actually," said Dorthy, "I kind of want to hear what you guys have been through ever since the school was invaded. Do you guys mind telling?"
The group exchanged glances, unsure of what to say.
"We were all separated at first," Jayna began, "So we all had to meet up."
"I took a gun from the gym teachers' office," Riley said. "And she saved my life with that gun," Steve continued. He was unsure, but then Steve added, "We had to kill Leslie, she got bit saving some of us. It was for the better," he smiled, a small sign that he understood what had to be done that day.
Scarlet spoke, "We escaped in Riley's van, got supplies, and camped on top of the bakery for a week."
"We were ambushed by a group from Southern High," said Hau'oli. "I got a gash on my leg from one of them," Kimmie added. "One of them threatened to kill me; I was held at knife point. We left the area after fighting them off," Jayna informed.