The world these group of friends once knew was now just a memory. Ever since an unknown disease broke out, the dead were able to live again and parade through the streets of their hometown. This squad will fight their way through to survive this new...
What exactly am I doing? I ask myself as I ride in an elevator with two different sides in search of my friends who were captured by these group of scientists who had taken one of my friend's brother. Again, what exactly am I doing? Beats me.
So a girl and her walkie talkie step into an elevator. The elevator suddenly decides to go up. What's the punch line you ask? There is none. This is not a joke. I am scared sh*tless.
"Haru, what's going on?" I say into the walkie talkie as I begin to internally scream. "Why is the elevator going up?"
"Somebody must be getting on. Just play it cool," he replied. I gulp heavily as the elevator continues to rise. I have made a horrible mistake.
The elevator comes to a halt and the buttons make this ding sound and the second floor button lights up. This causes my anxiety to rise by five hundred percent and I don't even notice how I hold my breath when the person steps into the elevator.
The dude who had stepped in the elevator was so tall that if I even attempted to reach for his head I probably wouldn't be able to touch it. Or maybe I was just super short.
Now let me tell you when I first glanced at him I was all like "Man, this guy is so going to catch me," but guess what, he didn't. I looked at him, and he turned to me and greeted me with a "Morning."
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It took me a good five seconds before replying, "Mhm," because boy are his eyes pretty. They're so blue that the sky would look black compared to them. Okay, maybe that was a big exaggeration, but his eyes were so pretty. His face was so pretty.
He looks so young. If anything, he could be my age. But this dude is a security guard here at this facility so probably not. But Maria worked in the lab and she's our age. Possibilities, possibilities.
"Nice shoes. Adidas?" he asked as he looked at my kicks. Kicks. Does anyone even say kicks?
"Yep," I replied with a smile and continued to stand in the elevator. I hadn't even noticed that when he walked in he had pressed level B3. The levels go up to B7. I'm assuming B stands for basement unless of course the rest of the floors are above us but they're just invisible.
"If you don't want the scientists to catch you, you need to change your shoes into one of these that they have up in the storage unit."
He wavered his foot for me to see his shiny black shoes. I debated on what I wanted to say in reply. The scientists won't kick me out for my dress code.
"I can wear whatever I want to, thank you very much- I'm sorry what was your name again?" I replied.
"Not Naflin," he said pointing at his name tag, "and you're not Stuwenski," he continued as he pointed at mine.