Rescue Mission Part Quattuor

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Chapter 17

6:12 A.M.

As Kimmie stepped out the door, Connor got up. Odd enough, he was awake. At the same time, Ellie got up too. Ellie yawned and said, "Where's Kimmie?"

Connor got up and looked around the room, "She took her stuff with her. C'mon." In a slight rush he stood up, and quickly, but quietly. Ellie followed along, but the rest didn't awake. The door to the house had already closed shut. As Connor and Ellie rushed to the window, they spotted Kimmie skipping into the woods.

"We have to follow her!" Ellie said, rushing to the door. Connor grunted, "Hurry. Just don't let her see you."

*15 minutes later*

"I'm tired. Can we just tell her we're here?" Ellie complained. Connor sighed, "Not yet. She's carving her name and will probably stab us. Where'd she get that anyway?"

"Honestly, Kimmie can just murder us when she wants. There's no point in hiding!"

"We need to find out what she's up to," Connor replied. Ellie scoffed, "I thought it was obvious? She's looking for the lab. Haven't you guys noticed? She's looking for her brother, too."

Kimmie continued to walk deeper into the woods, and the trees soon passed. It felt like days for Ellie and Connor as they carefully hid behind the branches of nature.

At one point, Kimmie turned around without notice, and slightly caught a glimpse of Connor. He had been looking around and didn't react fast enough. Once he retreated, Kimmie had already seen him. Luckily, a lizard ran from the bush they'd been hiding behind, and Kimmie quickly changed her mindset. For all she knew, she was hallucinating.

After a while, they had made it to an area of the woods with no zambies whatsoever. They called it the 'magic area.' All three of them had stopped for a bit, but Kimmie picked up her pace, and the journey moved on quicker.


6:30 A.M.

Scarlet woke up, and half-awake walked out to the kitchen. She looked outside, sighed, and poured herself a cup of water. A couple of seconds later, Carissa walks out and joins Scarlet.

"Good morning," Scarlet groggily greeted. Carissa replied with, "Hi Scarlet."

Ranica got out of bed and joined them, "Hey guys, ready for today?" she said in a tired voice. She seemed like she was trying to be enthusiastic, but she was too tired to do so. A door opened, and soon enough Haru was looking around the house. He walked over to the three girls.

"Where's Ellie?" he asked, "I can't even find Kimmie and Connor."

Scarlet's eyes widened and looked over at Haru confused, "What do you mean where are they? They aren't in bed?"

"If they were in bed do you think I would ask?" Haru replied.

"Okay," Ranica sternly said, "I'll check upstairs. Carissa and Scarlet search the rest of the house, and Haru check outside. Meet back in here in five."

The four scattered and went on a small search party. Ranica ran through the extra rooms, bathrooms and balcony, even the roof. Carissa and Scarlet were searching thoroughly, checking behind couches and in closets. Haru looked partially into the woods, and he even searched the cars. The three were no where near the area.

The four were gathered back in the kitchen, two of them panting. Ranica took in a deep breath and spoke, "They're gone. We have to wake up the group."

Ranica and Carissa called JDA down, and Scarlet and Haru called their group out.

"What's going on? Is it time to get ready?" Queen asked. Haru grunted, "No. Ellie, Kimmie, and Connor are missing."

"Missing?" Jayna asked, "Well we have to get going. Grab your stuff guys, we need to find them."

"We don't even have any idea as to where they went," Carissa mentioned. Riley spoke, "The lab! Where else would they have gone?"

"The lab? Without us?" Dorthy asked. Scarlet nodded, "Its our best bet."

"Okay, get ready people. We gotta head out, now," Alissa announced. Both groups were packing, all of them grabbing their weapons and getting in their cars. JDA had driven first, and the group tailed them on the drive to the lab.


Kimmie began climbing up a tree. Seeing her climbing things was such a habit, Connor and Ellie didn't really care. She spent a while up there, but she then got down later. While going down, she attracted a zambie. Connor and Ellie were about to save her, but turns out she saved herself. The head of the monster was soon by her feet.

A couple of minutes later, Kimmie stopped by a tree. Ellie and Connor stood by a tree on the sidelines, waiting and watching. It seemed like stalking, but this wasn't that kind of stalking. She looked like she was on the verge of crying. Which soon changed right after she struck her pain out on a tree.

"What? What happened?" Connor whispered to Ellie.

"Her dad just passed away three days ago. I don't think you can just not cry about it. She's been focusing on surviving more than feeling."

Kimmie aided her wound, then began walking once again. On the way she ate skittles, which made Connor and Ellie regret not bringing food with them. Suddenly, she stopped. Ellie and Connor waited, but Kimmie began to run off. She became so quick, and Kimmie was out of their sight.

"What? Where did she go?" Ellie panicked.

"She couldn't have gotten far. If we run it we could find her," Connor replied.

With the best of their ability, they tried to find Kimmie.


"Slow down next to their car," Queen directed to Riley. Riley cruised next to JDA's car as they neared the lab. But, people were running from the lab in the distance, all heading down the road.

"What's going on?" Angelo asked.

Both groups exited their cars, all examining the situation and preparing their weapons.

Kimmie was talking to a man, whilst searching the crowd for her captive friends. Ellie and Connor had found their way to the road and out of the woods, but Kimmie was a couple of feet away from them.

"Did you hear that? They said its going to explode!" Hau exclaimed to the group.

"Quick! Get behind the cars!" Loreto directed.

"Kimmie!" Connor and Ellie yelled, but she didn't hear them.

"Wait! There they are!" Queen said, pointing to the direction of Kimmie, Ellie and Connor.

They tried to call for them, but they couldn't be heard over all the chaos and all the way from the cars.

And in the end, shards of glass decorated the place, creating a beautiful disaster.

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