Rescue Mission Part Troi: Innocent

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Chapter 14

2:27 P.M.

A burst of anger bounced throughout the dome. Anthony angrily punched the side of his fist on the walls, while Zack took a quick hit at it with his gun. But then the shot blew up the area he hit with smoke and flames, creating chaos. Zack ducked, while Anthony turned around to check if he was okay.

"What the f*ck was that?" Abby asked as she got closer. Steve followed along, examining the area. In the distance you could hear Carissa calling out Zack, but they couldn't reply. Someone else had been speaking too, and they were getting closer.

"Yep, there's the guards," Anthony said.

The guards continued to repetitively call out for the group outside to come out and show there face, but at the same time, a few guards entered the dome, and its unknown how they entered, technically because the dome is invisible. "Drop your weapons!" a man directed. He was wearing a suit, and was a staggering 6'5. Only Anthony had been holding his blade, while the rest had already set aside their weapons into a pile. Anthony stacked his weapon with the rest as the guards took him, Steve, and Zack away. The man in the suit grabbed Abby, putting her hands behind her back. 

"We separate the women and the men. We're insuring our captives are fairly divided," he said to Abby, as he took her into a separate truck. While they were being separated, a few guards gathered their weapons. Anthony sat across from Steve and Zack, who had a few feet of distance between one another. From Steve's view, you could see Abby being separated from them and into another truck.

"Why did they move Abby into that truck?" Steve whispered to Zack. Zack let out a short sigh, "Its this gender thing. They separate the girls from the boys."

"Hey," said a guard, preparing to shut the back of the truck close, "You'll have a lot of time to chat on the ride." With that, he closed the back of the truck. It was dark at first, but within a few seconds, a few lights lit up. In the truck with the boys, they conversed a bit, then it got quiet, while Abby tried to find a way out in her truck.

"So," Steve began, not really enjoying the awkward silence, "what's the plan?"

Anthony grumbled, slumping down on the built-in metal bench, "I don't even know anymore, what's the point? We screwed up."

"Oh c'mon!" Zack said to him. "If you can play chess for two hours with Cody, I'm positive you can still find a way to fix this. Lighten up, Anthony."

"Funny you said that, because you're the one who screwed everything up. Flirting with Abby didn't really help us," Anthony laughed in an irritated response.

"I wasn't flirting, I was being friendly. And I didn't mean to screw it all up," Zack replied, crossing his arms and just staring down at the ground.

Anthony sighed, "Well, you did. And now we're in a truck on our way to a lab."

Suddenly it got silent again. Steve could feel the tension between the two. "So," he said again, "really, what's the plan?"

Anthony sat there trying to sum up a plan. He sat up straight and spoke. "If we don't get experimented on, I could try to find a way to contact Maria through the lab. I'm the only who's actually been there, so I should know. Once I find her I'll convince her to try and find a way to get us all out, then we wait for the rescue team and we'll try a different escape plan from what me and Maria did before."

"What about Kimmie's brother? That's kind of why we got involved in the plan in the first place," Steve asked.

Anthony said, "We'll ask Maria about it. If she doesn't know, you guys can look somewhere else for Kimmie's brother or go back to the lab another time."

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