
312 15 6

Fluff, really minor smut (hickey action)
Hybrid au

"When is Jinnie gonna come back?" Jeongin muttered to himself as he sat in front of the door of their apartment.

It was 9.00 pm and Hyunjin wasn't home yet, making Jeongin worried. Hyunjin usually goes home before 6.00, and they usually have dinner together.

But today, Hyunjin was really late and Jeongin, being somewhat loyal and stubborn, waited for Hyunjin, skipping dinner.

Jeongin's sharp fox eyes glared at the clock. His fox eyes saw how the hand if the clock seemed to be moving really slowly, taunting him.

Jeongin's fluffy ears and bushy tail twitched occasionally, waiting impatiently for the owner.

Jeongin was a 3 year old fennec fox, 21 years old in human age. Hyunjin adopted him about a year ago, and Jeongin couldn't have been more grateful.

Hyunjin was kind and loving, unlike his previous owner, who abused him and used him for 'pleasure'. When Hyunjin first rescued Jeongin from his previous owner, Jeongin was covered in bruises.

The poor fox was so scared if humans, that no matter how sincere Hyunjin and some other rescuers looked, he was still terrified. It took weeks for Jeongin to warm up to Hyunjin.

But Hyunjin was patient. He would wake up in the middle of the night, to check on the fox. Hyunjin worked at a vet that specializes on hybrids.

Ever since they got close, the fox was inseparable from Hyunjin, always wanting to be close to the elder. Hyunjin doesn't mind though. He loves Jeongin just as much as Jeongin loves him.

And you can only imagine the happiness when Hyunjin announced that he wanted to adopt Jeongin officially, the younger was over the moon, letting out happy chirps and yips.

Jeongin was still faithfully waiting for his owner until a click was heard at the door.

Jeongin's ears perked up, twitching. His nose picking up Hyunjin's masculine scent. Jeongin couldn't help but smile and chirped happily.

When Hyunjin opened the door, he was shocked to see his fox still awake. Hyunjin had a sudden surgery to do, so he was a few hours late. He expected Jeongin to be asleep, because Jeongin usually slept quite early, so he was surprised seeing the person he loved most smiling brightly at him.

"Hyung!" Jeongin chirped, standing up and hugging Hyunjin.

Hyunjin chuckled. "Why are you still awake baby? Aren't you tired?" The hybrid shook his head.

"Innie waited for hyungie so we could eat together!" He grinned, showing his gummy smile.

Once again, Hyunjin was shocked. His hybrid hadn't eaten dinner just so they could eat together? Hyunjin felt touched, but kinda guilty too.

Hyunjin caressed Jeongin's cheek, which resulted Jeongin to let out a satisfied purr, nuzzling onto Hyunjin's hand. Hyunjin has been really busy these days, usually, he would spend the evenings with the younger, watching movies and cuddling.

But since quite a lot of new workers just started working at the clinic Hyunjin works at, Hyunjin was requested by the boss to help keep an eye on the new employees, leaving Jeongin a bit lonely.

"That's very nice of you, sweets, but next time if I'm going home late, just eat without me, yeah?"

Jeongin shook his head. "I don't want to eat without Jinnie." He said, making Hyunjin coo and 'knead' the baby bread/fox in front of him.

"Come, let's eat."

Hyunjin walked with Jeongin to the dining room, hand interlocked. Jeongin, who was swinging his and Hyunjin's hands back and forth, was making lots of content noises.

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