Meet again

169 8 3

College au.

"I'm so bored."

Jeongin flopped onto his bed groaning

It was 5 pm on a Friday night and Jeongin wished he had someone to hang out with.

Usually, he and his friends would make plans somewhere and have fun but tonight was different. Felix and Seungmin both have dates while Jisung had forgotten that he had homework due that night on 11.59 pm, even though he already said that he would finish it two days after it was assigned, so he decided to rush it that night.

'Screw Jisung and his procrastination.'

Jeongin laid on his bed with his arms and legs spread out so he was in a starfish position. He stared at the ceiling which had a few glow-in-the-dark stars and closed his eyes.

Maybe he could forget his boredom if he fell asleep.

Not even a few minutes later, a knock was sounded on his door.

Jeongin sighed, 'I guess I won't be getting sleep either.'

"Come in!"

The door creaked open, his mum's head popping out through the opening of the door.

"Are you busy?" She asked as she entered his room.

Jeongin shook his head. "Not really, I was about to have a nap but I guess not anymore."

"A nap? Jeongin dear, it's 5 pm. You'd be awake until 3 am and wake up even more tired than today." Mrs.Yang snorted.

"Anyways," Mrs.Yang made her way to the edge of Jeongin's bed and sat down, "You remember my best friend, Mrs.Hwang, right?"

Jeongin thought for a moment before humming in response.

"Well, do you also remember her son, Hyunjin?"

Jeongin shifted his gaze from his mum to the ceiling. Of course he remembered, how could he forget. Hwang Hyunjin, his childhood best friend. Jeongin used to play with Hyunjin everyday back when he was in Primary school, when he was around grade 3 and Hyunjin grade 4.

They used to be really close friends until one day Hyunjin's family decided to move to Seoul from Busan because they had to take over the family business in Seoul.

To say Jeongin and Hyunjin were sad was an understatement. Hyunjin promised to contact Jeongin when he arrived, which he did, but they both lost contact in the first year of high school when Jeongin changed numbers.

Little Jeongin was miserable that his bestfriend moved away, and it also didn't help the fact that Jeongin used to have a small crush on the elder.

Of course, little Jeongin didn't realize that then but the more Jeongin thought about it now, the more he realized that he used to like Hyunjin. Emphasis on the used.

"Yeah, I remember him."

Mrs.Yang gasped in delight. "Good! Because they moved back to Busan yesterday." Mrs.Yang squealed in delight at the thought of her bestfriend living close to them again.

"Oh, wow." Jeongin smiled at his mother's enthusiasm, he loved it when his mum was happy.

"I know right? Anyways, I need to finish the laundry, dinners ready at 6, you better not fall asleep or anything."

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