Only Mine

395 16 5

Fluff (ofc😭🤷🏻‍♀️💗)
Short au

"Come on, Jeongin, just one date!" Inseong begged as he kept on following Jeongin outside of Jeongin's apartment.

Jeongin sighed. Inseong was his fellow co-worker from the campus. They were both teachers at the Dongjin university.

Right now, Inseong was persistent on asking Jeongin out even though the latter already refused so many times.

For some reason, Inseong had followed Jeongin back to Jeongin's apartment ( a bit creepy and gives stalker energy but Inseong doesn't care).

'Wait 'till he realizes.' Jeongin thought to himself, a bit annoyed as he paced down the apartment halls.

"Please, Jeongin. I promise you won't regret it."

In all honesty, Jeongin felt bad for the older, but Jeongin already tried telling him that he didn't want to go on the date.

They were standing in front of Jeongin's apartment, and when Jeongin was about unlock the door, Inseong held back his hand.

"Inseong, I can't and don't want to, I have a hu-"

"Please, I really like you Jeongin a-and I know that I'm not the most perfect person but I'll try to-"

Before Inseong could finish his sentence, the apartment door opened, revealing a pissed man, his black hair tied in a loose ponytail.

The man glared at Inseong, daring for the other to continue.

"I'm sorry," Hyunjin's dark voice broke the thick tension, with Jeongin looking over to Hyunjin then to Inseong. "I couldn't help but overhear, you were trying to ask him out, but I don't think Jeongin would want that, man."

Inseong glared coldly at Hyunjin and scoffed.

"Who are you to tell Jeongin what to do?"

Hyunjin's scowl broke into a grin as he snaked an arm over Jeongin's petite waist and held him posessively.

"Well, maybe it's because..... I'm his fucking husband you dumass." Hyunjin said, showing the shiny silver band on his ring finger as Jeongin's cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink.

Inseong looked at the couple in shock as he looked Jeongin for an 'explanation'.

"I kept trying to tell you, I'm married and I already have a husband, but you kept cutting me off before I could even tell you."

Inseong still faithfully stood there, jaw slightly agape.

Hyunjin gave a harsh and exaggerated sigh.

"Now, if you don't mind, me and my husband would like to spend our evening without interruptions, so please leave and don't come back."

The door slammed shut on Inseong's face and left a very embarrassed and dissapointed Inseong standing there.

Inside the apartment, Hyunjin moved his position to Jeongin's back so he was back hugging the younger, planting his nose in the crook of Jeongin's neck, inhaling the soothing scent of his husband.

Jeongin gave a gentle sigh, stroking Hyunjin's hair. "You didn't have to be so rude, love. You could at least shoo him away lightly."

Hyunjin turned Jeongin around and looked at Jeongin, taking in the beauty in front of him.

Jeongin looked really beautiful with his work clothes, even though Hyunjin thinks Jeongin looks even prettier with his clothes.

"But he was trying to take you away from me, obviously I had to step in. I see why he likes you, though. My husband is such a sight for sore eyes."

Jeongin rolled his eyes jokingly. "Yeah, yeah, so dramatic. I won't go for anyone but you, you know that right?"

Hyunjin nodded his head vigorously, a grin present on his face.

"Okay, okay, let me go now, you should shower, you kinda stink." Jeongin said as he patted Hyunjin's back before trying to escape Hyunjin's grasp.


"No, Hyunjin, just go take a bath-"

"With you?"

Jeongin rolled his eyes playfully once more, pushing Hyunjin away who was getting a bit 'touchy touchy' with him.

"Please?" Hyunjin pouted at his husband.

"Sure, sure, I go in there and I'm gonna get out with a sore body." Jeongin replied, swatting away Hyunjin's naughty hands.

Hyunjin shrugged before effortlessly lifting up Jeongin, despite his protests, and began walking towards the bathroom.



Idk what this is, I was just bored :D

Plz enjoy🤷🏻‍♀️


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