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Idk what kind of au is this called. 😭
(Jeongin is blonde and Hyunjin has long black hair in this oneshot ^^)

Not proofread

"Mr. Yang! You need to be onstage in 10 minutes!" someone said, leaving the room immediately after he said that.

"Got it, thanks." The singer muttered to his manager. In ten minutes, he would sing live on one of the biggest award shows in Korea.

Jeongin glanced worriedly at the clock, his palms sweating and his heart beating fast. 'You got this, Jeongin, just go up there, and do what you always do, sing.'

Jeongin is in his waiting room, sitting in front of the makeup table, waiting to be called on stage. His blonde hair was styled in a way that made him look cuter than he normally is and a little eye-makeup made his sharp fox eyes look prettier.

Jeongin gulped as he stared at his mirror. It's not the first time he sang on a big stage on public, but this time, it was different.

This was Korea's biggest award show, where all the A-list actors and top-tier singers are invited. Jeongin was still a rookie singer, but he got the honor to perform at the show as the opening.

He could hear the pounding of his heart in his ears so he decided to get a drink. He exited his waiting room in search for some water.

He skipped a bit to the water station, he wanted to get back to his waiting room as quickly as possible.

He took a small paper cup and filled it with cold, refreshing water. He began gulping down the water like a madman, the cold water calming him down a bit.

As soon as he finished the first cup, he then proceeded to fill another cup, and another, and another, unaware of someone watching him.

When he brought the cup to his lips the fifth time, a chuckle interrupted him. Jeongin, still holding the small paper cup to his lips, turned to his right and saw Hwang Hyunjin, one of the nation's most famous actor.

Jeongin first noticed Hyunjin when he starred in a television series a few years ago. Ever since then, Jeongin had respected the actor for his dedication in his career and good acting skills.

As silly as it sounds, Jeongin eventually developed a small crush on Hyunjin. He would watch every movie or show Hyunjin was in, not caring if it was horror or any kind of genre he didn't like.

Hyunjin was leaning on the wall with his hand crossed on his chest, a grin present on his handsome face.

Jeongin's cheeks began to heat up in embarrassment. He immediately put the cup away from his mouth, a cough of embarrassment leaving him as he bowed down to greet the elder.

"I-I'm sorry, did you want to get a drink?" Jeongin stuttered, refusing to meet Hyunjin's eye since he was still embarrassed at the fact that THE Hwang Hyunjin saw him downing on water like a man who hasn't drink in days.

Jeongin heard a laugh and he saw with his peripheral vision that Hyunjin shook head. Jeongin finally looked at Hyunjin. Jeongin knew that Hyunjin was a handsome man, but he looked even more handsome in person.

The two stared at each other for a mere 3 seconds before the elder broke eye-contact and pointed to the cup in Jeongin's hands.

"You seem very thirsty." Hyunjin pointed out with a soft smile, making Jeongin's heart beat faster than it originally was.

'Shit, get yourself together, Jeongin.'

"Ahh, no, not really, I'm just very nervous." Jeongin answered sheepishly, a slight blush on his cheeks.

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