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High school au

The Lee's front door opened with a 'BANG' as Hwang Hyunjin entered the house, startling the people inside. The four of them were watching 'Fast and Furious' on the couch, with Jisung on Minho's lap and Felix cuddled up next to Changbin. Lee Minho, the owner of the house glared at the sudden intruder.

"Even heard of knocking? You're late, by the way. Close the door! The cats can and will escape if the door is wide open, dumbass." Minho shouted as he rested his chin onto Jisung's shoulder.

The house belonged to Lee Minho and his brother, Lee Felix. Today was a Friday, that's why the Lee brother's boyfriends were staying over. School had ended and the five of them were supposed to binge on the whole 'Fast and Furious' series but the only single person there was 2 hours late, resulting in the others starting the movie without him.

Hyunjin scoffed as he made his way towards an empty chair. He sat down, crossed his legs, and took out his phone.

Jisung scrunched his nose, looking over at Hyunjin. "You smell teribble."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Shut up, it's not my fault coach made me stay back for another round of practice, don't be so judgemental." He snapped, aggressively typing on his phone.

"Geez, no need to be like that." Jisung muttered, focusing on the TV again.

The evening went on glumly. Hyunjin was being so insensitive and unreasonable for the smallest things, and if Felix didn't stop them, Changbin and Hyunjin would have been fighting right now. Hyunjin was snappy the whole evening, he shouted at Jisung and almost made Minho kick him out.

Felix glanced over at Hyunjin worriedly. It's not everyday Hyunjin becomes a salty bitch. Something must be wrong.

"Hyunjin?" Felix asked, receiving a lazy "hmm" as a response. "Are you okay? You're usually not like this. Did something happen at school?"

Hyunjin was about to give a remark about how it was none of Felix's business, but when he caught Changbin's sharp gaze, he decided to keep his mouth shut.

Hyunjin let out a huff of air, running his hand over his hair.

"To be honest, no, today sucked so bad." Hyunjin sighed.

The others looked over to him, Jisung paused the movie and beckoned for Hyunjin to continue.

"Where do I start...." Hyunjin muttered, then began telling them about what happened.


"Jeonginnie! Let's sit together for lunch." Hyunjin offered Jeongin

Jeongin nodded. "Okay, hyung!"


"Wait wait wait." Changbin cut of Hyunjin, causing the 00' liners to shoot glares to Changbin. (Minho didn't give a damn, he was to busy patting Jisung's hair as if Jisung was one of his cats.)

"What?" Hyunjin asked, a bit irritated.

"Who's Jeongin?" Changbin's question made Felix and Jisung face palmed themselves, even Minho looked at Changbin with a "what the fuck" look.

"FINE! I'll explain from the very beginning." Hyunjin dismissed the question and started explaining.

Flashback pt.2

Yang Jeongin, one the members for the school organization and was one year younger than Hyunjin. That boy was such a sunshine. Anyone in the school would agree that Jeongin is one of the nicest and friendliest person there.

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