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Secret relationship au
(Yall this is completely fake, so this has NOTHING to do with the members rll going to the places or whatever😭)

The Straykids' dorm was for some reason quiet these days.

Usually, the dorms would be very loud and noisy, with Jisung and Felix's bickers (about whether tomatoes are fruits or not), Changbin having a full on performance to New Jeans songs to Seungmin (who doesn't gives a damn and continues to scroll on the online store) and Bangchan (who was clapping along to the music, basically being a proud father), Minho making food for the members (while complaining for the others to help him), and Hyunjin's dramatic ass watching k-dramas with the maknae.

But today was different. The halls were quiet with peaceful silence. Maybe because the Hyung line had left for France for a fashion show and a photoshoot  1 month and a half ago.

Right now, the youngest was sitting on his bed, waiting for his favorite (not that he would admit it) hyung to call him. Jeongin fiddled with his fingers as his phone laid in front of him.

Since Korea and France has a 7 hour time difference, it was quite hard to communicate with his boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend.

Long stort short, Jeongin and Hyunjin has been dating for a few years, this year marking their 4th anniversary. It was kind of hard trying to hide their relationship, since stays have eyes of an eagle.

Sometimes, Hyunjin would tend to forget that he was in a secret relationship with the younger and sometimes accidentally slip up, but the Hyunin duo were grateful that stays interpret those interactions as sibling banter.

Jeongin glanced at his clock.

It was 2 pm, 9 pm in France and Hyunjin hasn't called yet. Jeongin was a tiny bit sad but he understands how tiring it must be preparing for the photoshoot and stuff.

Just when Jeongin was about to leave his phone and do his skincare (cuz it takes effort to have such pretty skin😩), his phone lit up with the words 'Hyunjinnie Hyung!'. Might be kinda too 'formal' for someone who had been dating for 4 years, but they were still idols and they didn't want to risk anyone finding out about it.

Jeongin's face broke into a grin, answering the call while walking to the bathroom (he still need to do his skindcare :D).

When the video call connected (?), a tired yet smiley Hyunjin popped up on the phone.


"Hello, love. How was your day?"

Jeongin felt Hyunjin hesitate before he heard him answer.

"Pretty okay, but I miss youu!" Hyunjin whined through the phone making an exaggerated pout. Jeongin didn't mind, he found it cute.

"I miss you, too. I can't believe that you still have to stay there for another week." Jeongin chuckled, opening his cleanser and rubbing it on his face.

"Waahh, is my jagi doing his skincare? Okeeh, I'mma do mine, too!"

Jeongin laughed at his boyfriend who was skipping to the bathroom.

While they each did their own thing, Jeongin was telling Hyunjin about today, on how Jisung was all pouty without Minho and Hyunjin saying Minho has been quite grouchy these days and the couple dismissed the topic after agreeing that something must be up between the boddaramji duo.

When they were in another topic about what Hyunjin had been doing in France, the light went out from Jeongin's bathroom.


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