Pet store

215 12 5

Fluff, crack
Short au


The bell of the pet shop rang as Changbin, his boyfriend Felix, and his little brother, Jeongin, entered the shop. Changbin brought Jeongin to the pet shop because he promised to buy his beloved brother a pet cat to keep him company while Changbin went to work.

(FYI, Jeongin and Changbin's parents had died 6 years ago when Jeongin was 13 and Changbin 17 , which resulted in Changbin working to keep the two of them afloat. Changbin and Felix share a flat together, it's easier for them to pay rent anyways. Jeongin lives with them)

"Welcome to Paw and Claws, how may I help you?" A worker asked Changbin.

"I'm looking for a cat."

"Okay, right this way please."

Changbin, Felix, and Jeongin followed the worker to a section in the store. There were senior cats, young cats, and kittens. There were striped cats, spotted cats, tabby cats, and more.

Jeongin's eyes lit up with excitement, looking around eagerly.

"They're all so cute! I want all of them, hyung!"

Changbin shook his head quickly at the offer, he had enough trauma with Minho's cats already and now Jeongin wanted a whole army? Fuck no.

"Yeah, no. Just one, okay Innie?"

"How about two, one for you, and one for me!" Jeongin tugged on Changbin's jacket excitedly.

"I'm really busy, rarely at home, who's gonna take care if it, hm?"

Jeongin pouted, he can't think of a good answer.

Felix chuckled at his boyfriend and boyfriend's little brother interact. He slung an arm over Jeongin's shoulder. "I'll take care of it, Binnie, don't worry."

Jeongin's mood changed when Felix said that. "Yeah! See? Pleasee, two cats pleasee?" Jeongin said as he gave the best puppy eyes he could, Felix joining in too.

Changbin sighed. There's no way he's winning this.

"Fine, two cats." Jeongin and Felix high-fived each other.

"But." Changbin continued, grabbing the attention of the younger males who nodded for him to continue.

"These cats cannot and will not hinder you guys from your studies and you will clean up after them and take care of them properly, okay?"

"Ok, we will Binnie, we will!" Jeongin chirped happily, looking at the cats and contemplating on which one to pick.

"Yay, thanks Binnie." Felix gave a peck onto Changbin's cheek and then ran towards Jeongin, also picking a cat.

"What kind of cat do you want, Innie?" Felix questioned the younger. Jeongin looked over to Felix and pointed to an orange tabby cat.

"I think I like this one, Lix! What about you?" Jeongin asked as he picked the said cat up.

Felix looked around. "Uhm, I'm not sure, why don't you pick it for me?"

Jeongin nodded happily. "Okay Lixie, let's find a cat for youu!"

After they found the perfect cat for Felix, Felix and Jeongin walked over to Changbin. "We're donee." Jeongin smiled, his braces showing.

"Okay, I'll take both of them." Changbin said to the worker.

"Excellent choice, follow me to the counter please."

"Innie, we're gonna pay first, don't go far and don't talk to strangers." Felix told Jeongin before following Changbin to the cashier. Jeongin might be a little too old to be told that, but let's be honest, Jeongin is a 9-year-old in a 19-year-old's body.

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