New Masters

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 "No, absolutely not." My Master goes to stand up, but a scythe is hooked around his neck, and he sits back down.

"Oh, I think it's entertaining that you believe you have a choice." Ren laughs and starts to deal a hand. "I'd get over here if I were you, or I'll just have Vicrul cut your head off for fun. Or maybe we'll all fuck your little slave and make you watch."

For the first time since he won me, I grip my Master's pant leg and look up at him with pleading eyes. Eyes that are begging him for protection from these men. He must sense that I am seeking his protection as he looks down into my face. His left hand grips my chin, and he strokes my bottom lip with his thumb, which I know means he is trying to comfort me. As much as I hate Master, I can only imagine what being at the mercy of seven dangerous-looking men would be like.

"Fine, Ren." Master gives my cheek a stroke and starts to walk towards the table. When he pats his thigh, I know I am to crawl after him, and I do. I scurry across the floor and slid under the table to my position between his legs. I wrap myself around his left leg as he likes it, and his left hand is back in my hair momentarily. "One hand. And when I beat you, you and your little band of misfits can leave my home."

"Just know that when you lose, she belongs to me," Ren speaks in a menacing tone, and I grip my Master's leg tighter.

I'm shaking as the cards are shuffled and redealt. I hear the bets begin, and my Master seems confident. His hand finds my hair every few moments and runs his finger along my ear. I press my face to the inside of his thigh, and I pray to the maker for my Master to win the hand.

"Call." Ren's voice is still cocky and cool.

A moment passes, and I feel my Master stiffen. "You cheated."

Ren laughs, and his chair slides back. "Knights, collect my prize, and let's go."

The table is flipped, and I feel Master's hands grip me as large leather-gloved hands pull on my waist. But I've wrapped myself around my Master's leg, and I'm screaming to the stars for them to leave me. Master's arms are pulled off of me, and I'm too weak to hold on as I scream.

"NO! NO! NO!" I'm screaming and crying as I'm lost in another bet to men who are most definitely worse than my Master, as bad as he is.

I'm finally pried from his leg and lifted into the air as I kick and scream and claw at my captor. My Master looks at me with the same look that Master Gerrick had when he lost me. Stupid men risking what they can't stand to lose, all for a poker match. My body stills as I see his face, and I think back to all the Master's that I have had. I know that these men will either kill me or lose me soon enough. It's only a temporary change as my life only knows the constant that is pain. There is no use in fighting. It's seven against one, and I can only imagine the pain of seven men taking their turns to beat and fuck me. I start to shake as sobs rip through my body.

"Wait!" My Master shouts, and the man dragging me away stops.

"What?" Ren walks towards my Master and stands between him and me as the arms around my waist hold me in the air.

"I'll pay. Whatever you want. Don't take her. I'll give you everything I have. Just leave the girl." My Master is trying to get me back. He doesn't want me to go with these men but I honestly have no idea how to feel about it.

"How much do you have in credits? What is she worth to you?" Ren asks in a calm tone as he fiddles with a metal cylinder on his hip.

"She's worth everything, and I have a hundred thousand credits in the safe upstairs. Let her go, and it's all yours."

I'm shocked by my Master's words, and I feel a small amount of affection for him at this moment as he attempts to fight to keep me. I don't want to go with these terrifying men, and Master seems to be the lesser of two evils.

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