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Trudgen POV -

"Shit, it's Ren. I'll be right back. I'm just gonna be right outside the door." I stand up from my chair and rub Pet's cheek with reassurance before I turn for the door. "Will you be okay alone with the doctor for a few minutes?"

"Yes, Master Trudgen," Pet answers me sweetly, and I can feel a slight fear from her, but I know she will be okay.

"Good, Pet."

I close the door behind me, link my wrist comm to my earpiece, and acknowledge Ren on the other end. "What's up, Ren?"

"Where are you?"

"At a clinic, we are getting our new pet checked out. Figured it was a good idea why we were here."

"Hmm, waste of time if you ask me." Ren snorts derisively, and I roll my eyes.

"What if she has a vitamin deficiency and passes out while working on the Buzzard? She could get seriously hurt. Then who would warm your cock at night, Ren?"

Ren's laugh is revolting as he chuckles like a child on the other end of the call. "I suppose you're right. Should get her checked for any STIs, too, I guess. Her last Master hardly bathed himself, much less her. Should have thought of that before last night, I guess."

"You're such a fucking pig, Ren."

"I know. And I don't care." Ren snorts back. "Look, we're done here, so hurry up with my slave and get back here. I need my dick sucked good and hard after chasing down that asshole and having Vicrul free his head from his shoulders. I wanna watch her green eyes water as she sucks me dry and takes my meat down her throat."

"Fuck you, Ren." I shake my head angrily as I disconnect the call and lean against the wall.

I shove my earpiece back in my pocket and turn to head back into the exam room. Just as I touch the door handle, I hear my name called, and I turn to look down the hallway.

"Mr. Trudgen! Oh, sir, good. I'm glad I caught you." The nurse who drew Pet's blood rushes toward me, and I let go of the door and turn to face her.


"Can I show you something?" Her face is flushed, and she looks on the verge of a breakdown. When I don't answer her immediately, she speaks again, more desperately. "Please, it's about the girl's bloodwork."

This gets my feet moving, and I rush down the hallway to her. She leads the way through the maze of halls to a brightly lit lab filled with screens. I don't miss how she closes and locks the door behind us before checking to see if we are alone. I grow curious as I watch her frantic movements until she settles on a chair before a computer screen.

"I have finished the girl's blood work."

"Okay." I look at the screen and have no idea what it's displaying.

"Her allergy test is negative, she is extremely malnourished but that can be rectified with a normal diet. Nothing concerning about anything at all. She is in perfect health other than being underweight."

"Okay. You seem like something is wrong, but you're telling me nothing is wrong." I begin to grow annoyed at the nurse who seemed to be in a panic when she found me. "You could have told me all of this in the room. She's healthy. That's a good thing."

"Well, that's the thing, sir. Anyone who has been starved like her should have damage to their organs. But she doesn't have any. Her blood levels are perfect, her hormones are perfect, she's just underweight."

"I'm still missing the point," I grunt as I look back at the screen.

"Sir," the nurse glances up at me before she glances towards the door. I am assuming that you plan on caring for the girl and keeping her from harm."

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