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Slave POV-

I sit on my bed holding the boots that Trudgen had given me right after breakfast. I like him and Ap'lek the most so far. They have both been extremely kind to me, and I appreciate it. Only Cardo and Ren really rub me the wrong way. And I hate Ren. But I know how to hide my distaste for the man and keep a smile on my face when he is around. Even if I'm screaming with sorrow on the inside every time he touches me.

"Ready to go, Pet." Trudgen's deep voice is authoritative and fierce as he enters my room and speaks to me. It always does things to me that I don't understand.

"Yes, Master Trudgen."

"You don't have your boots on."

"They're too big." I look up at one of my seven new masters and give him a slight frown. "I am very grateful, though."

"I know you are. Hang on." Trudgen turns and leaves my room, and I hear another blast door open down the hall.

When Trudgen returns moments later, he immediately kneels in front of me and picks up my foot. I watch as he carefully slides another pair of socks over the pair already on my feet. He then takes one of the boots from my lap and slips it onto my foot. I'm enamored with the man as he takes the time to put both boots on my feet and even tie them for me.

"Thank you. I could have done that, though."

"I know." Trudgen gives me a smoldering smile, and my heart almost skips a beat. "I wanted to do it. Now, let's go. We have a lot to do before Ren and the others get back."

"Yes, Master."

I stand up with Trudgen's help and find that, while the boots are still big, they are more comfortable, and I can easily walk in them. We exit my room, and I follow Trudgen to the stairs, where he heads up to the main part of the ship. Ushar's voice comes from the common area, but I can't hear who he is talking to. Once we come around the corner, I see the commlink in Ushar's hand and know that he is speaking to someone who is not on the ship.

"Let's go, asshole," Trudgen speaks to Ushar, who scowls at him, but he follows us anyway as I keep up with Trudgen, who leads us to the ramp of the ship.

"Where are we going?" I ask Trudgen as he stops at the bottom of the ramp and turns back to the ship, his hand on the code pad as he waits for Ushar.

"Shopping and then the archives."


Ushar exits the ship, and I can feel the tension in the air. The other five are off looking for a man who owes Master Ren a large amount of credits, so it's just the three of us right now. And I have no desire to see what they will do to the man if he does not pay up, so I am happy to run errands with Master Trudgen and Master Ushar. I only hope that they are as kind as Ap'lek is and actually feed me before the others return because my stomach is already growling.

"Hungry, Pet?" Master Ushar speaks as if he can read my mind, and I glance over at him and nod quickly. "Then let's grab something to eat. What would you like?"

"Whatever you choose is fine, Master Ushar," I answer him with a meek smile, and he glares at me in return.

"The fuck do you want to eat?"

"Don't talk to her like that." Master Trudgen growls as he steps up to Ushar, and I see that Trudgen is only a couple of inches taller. When he turns to me, his expression is softer, as is his tone. "Pet, do you have a favorite food?"

"No, Master Trudgen. I will eat anything you give me. I am not picky."

"Anything huh?" Ushar responds as he struts past me, and I look up into Trudgen's eyes just as he rolls them in exasperation at his fellow Knight before following after him.

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