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 I follow Master Trudgen again as we head for a store he says will have clothes specifically for me. Ushar is not in the mood to shop for clothes, though, so he wanders off to find more weapons in the lower levels of the city we are in. I watch Ushar as he disappears around a corner until he is gone from sight. Just as he disappears, and Master Trudgen and I are alone, I feel something on my hand and look down.

"You okay?" Master Trudgen smirks, and I smile back as he threads his fingers through mine.

"Yes, Master Trudgen. I am fine." I smile and squeeze his hand back as he holds on tight.

I have never had a man affectionately hold my hand before. Even Master Gerrick did not hold my hand in public or private. I was still a slave in his eyes at the end of the day, no matter how kind he was. Trudgen is the first person ever to make me feel as if I am not a slave, and I don't exactly know how to react.

"In here."

I am pulled along as Master Trudgen enters a fancy-looking store, and I look down at the faded and baggy clothes on my petite frame. Whichever Knights' clothes I am in today are oversized on me since the smallest one is over twice my size. And standing next to Trudgen, who is the largest of the Knights of Ren, I appear even tinier.

The store smells sweet and cool as we enter, and I feel embarrassed by my attire as I glance around at fancy clothes and shoes. I have never had anything this nice with the exception of one dress Master Gerrick had me wear when he went gambling on Canto Bight. My last Master before the Knights only allowed me the bikini when I was allowed to be covered. And now, with the Knights, I only had their clothes.

"Master, this place looks expensive," I whisper as a woman looks me up and down before starting to walk toward us.

Master Trudgen turns to me with a narrow gaze and tilts my chin up with his finger so that our eyes lock in an intense stare. "You're my slave, right?"

I nod slowly, not sure what the meaning behind his words is.

"You would like to be solely mine one day, right? My personal Pet?"

"Yes, sir, Master Trudgen."

"Then be a good pet for me and be quiet while your Master buys you something pretty."

"Yes, Master."

"Hello, I'm Rachoul. Can I help you two?" The woman from the store approaches us, and I instantly feel her judgment as she looks down her nose at me but looks at Trudgen with a desire that I can somehow feel.

"Yes, you can," Trudgen replies as he tightens his grip on my hand. "We need a full wardrobe for her. She recently lost everything she owned to a fire, and everything needs to be replaced. And I mean everything."

The lady's face changes quickly as she looks over my outfit again but I could see she is judging me less now. "You poor thing. Look at you. Are you in his clothes?"

"Yes, Ma'am." I nod with a small smile as I fidget with the hem of the oversized shirt one of the Knights had given me, but I'm unsure if it is Trudgen's.

"Well, dear, come with me." Rachoul takes my hand and begins to lead me toward the back of the store.

Tightening my hand that is holding Trudgen's, I turn back to look at him with fear. The last thing I want is to be pulled away from him, and he senses it immediately. He quickly grips me back as he follows along, and we are led to a room with plush chairs and small rooms with curtains for doors along the back wall. Rachoul lets go of my hand and turns to face us as Trudgen pulls me into his side.

"You two can wait here, and I will pull some items for you to view." She clasps her hands in front of her chest, beaming happily, and looks up to Trudgen. You said everything must be replaced. Am I assuming correctly that you will need undergarments and perhaps some night things?"

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