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 As we leave the clothing store, I'm unsure what I feel. Trudgen's actions in the changing room had left my head spinning and my body thirsting for more. In all of my life, I had never had an orgasm, and having Trudgen be the man to give my first one actually meant something as silly as it seemed. And tonight, when I joined him in his bed, I hoped that maybe I could have another one and certainly return the favor for him.

When I had dropped to my knees and tried to undo his pants, Trudgen had pushed me aside, gently telling me that there was no need for it. He said that he had wanted to please me and taste me on his tongue. And since I had only been with two men before, and one had never given me pleasure, and the other only tried in order to take his own pleasure from my body as a trade, I was left with awe and respect for Trudgen that I had never felt for another person before.

"We're gonna meet Ushar at the clinic that's down the road." Trudgen squeezes my hand as he speaks, and I give a slight squeeze back as I walk beside him with my fingers laced through his.


"I want you to get a full physical so that we know if you have any issues we need to worry about, like allergies or deficiencies."

"I don't think I have any allergies, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to check." I smile up at him as his head turns, and he gives me a flirty wink.

"That's the spirit."

The walk to the clinic only takes a few minutes, and once we're inside, we see Ushar sitting in a chair on his datapad in the waiting area. I drop Trudgen's hand and walk over to the Knight with my bags, sitting on his left side as he ignores me for whatever he reads on his device. Trudgen walks away to the counter and begins to speak to a nurse. He points to me and lets them know why we are here and I watch closely as the woman eyes me carefully.

"Oh shit." Ushar's startled voice sounds out next to me as he chuckles. "I didn't see you guys come in. How was the shopping?"

"Amazing." I turn to Ushar and give him a wide grin as I point to the bags on the floor between my feet."

"Holy shit. How much stuff did you pick out?"

"I didn't." I frown quickly, afraid Ushar will think me greedy or that I demanded things a slave should never even have since we aren't exactly allowed possessions. "It was Trudgen who picked it all out."

"I sure he spoiled you then," Ushar smirks as he reaches for one of the bags and it just happens to be the one with my bras and panties. "Oh shit, he got you some nice stuff."

"I am very grateful for it." I take a deep breath slowly and watch him carefully for any signs of irritation. "But if it's too much money, if he went overboard, you guys can have it all back."

"What?" Ushar stares at me for a moment before he bursts into laughter. "Pet, we don't care about money. We can always plunder a village and get more. Besides, Trudgen has money that's separate from the Knights' money. So he can spend whatever the fuck he wants."

"Oh." I look down at my feet, protective of my bags but worried that they will be taken away at the same time. "Okay."

"Hey, look, we really don't care. None of us do. The only one who might say shit is Ren cause he's an asshole. Have Trudgen put some of it in his room, and I can put some in mine. We won't let him know how much you got just to be safe. But none of the Knights will begrudge you a few thousand credits for essential clothing. Everyone should have enough clothes to wear, food to eat, and a roof over their head."

"For evil mercenaries, you guys aren't living up to my expectations." I smile gently at the goofy Knight and he smirks back wickedly.

"You remember us taking your Master's head?" Ushar asks, and I nod slowly. "That was calm and kind compared to what we normally do to people."

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