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 When I wake up, I am in a bed with rails on the side. As I look around I realize that the room is a med bay on a ship. I try to get up, but shackles keep me stuck to the bed. I start to jerk and scream as I try to get free, but it's no use. I have no idea where I am or where my Master is. I'm usually shackled to his bed in his bedroom, and I don't know how I got where I am.

As I am thrashing and screaming, the door slides open, and several men come running in. I don't know them. I've never seen them before. And if I had seen them in any other situation, I would think about how handsome they are, but right now, my brain can only panic.

"Hey, calm down." A deep voice comes from the largest of the men as he nears my bed, and I continue to scream out.

I am in the bikini that my Master always makes me wear. I feel my collar, which has been there since I can remember, around my neck. The shackles are leather and not metal, so they do not cut into my hands and feet as I pull against them. I want to go home. No, I want to return to Master Gerrick, but he is dead. I hate my current Master, he is cruel and evil, but I don't know these men, and I need to get home before I am beaten any more than I know I will be.

"If you stop jerking, I'll undo the restraints." A man with blond hair stands beside me, and I don't know what to do. "Will you calm down, and we'll undo these?"

I nod and sniffle the tears that come with my terror. "Take me home. My Master will come after you."

"That fat old man is dead." The third man in the room chuckles.

"Do you not remember last night?" The largest man looks at me as he speaks, and there is something familiar about his voice. "We're the Knights of Ren. We came to your Master's home, and Ren won you in a card game. Then Cardo killed your old Master, and we burned his house down after taking the valuables. Do you really not remember that?"

Everything clicks into place, and I remember that. I remember all of it. "Where's Trudgen?"

"I'm Trudgen." The largest man replies and gives me a furrowed look.


He reaches forward and undoes the restraints on my legs and then my hands. I'm able to sit up, but I shrink back against the cold steel wall behind me. I remember my seven new Master's now. I remember that they killed my old Master and burned his house. I remember being carried away from hell by Master Trudgen, and then I woke up here in this med bay.

"Come on, pet. You need to meet the others." Trudgen offers me a hand, and I gently place mine in his as he pulls me from the bed.

"Thank you, Master Trudgen."

I am led to a large room on the ship with a long bench along one wall and four tables in front of the bench. On the other side of the room is a round table with some kind of hologram game that two men are playing while shouting. Somewhere in the ship, a blast door opens with a loud hiss. Heavy footsteps seem to come from above until another door opens, and a man emerges. I can see the stairs behind him that lead up to another level. Another man comes stomping around the corner into what I'm assuming is a common room.

Master Trudgen leads me over to the bench and pushes me roughly into a seat. "Okay, so it seems that we have acquired a slave thanks to Ren."

"Awesome." One of the men grins at me. "I hate cleaning this ship."

"I think we need to discuss whether we should keep her." Trudgen turns to the other men in the room.

"Oh, she's staying." The man named Ren, with a bare and scarred chest, walks forward. "I won her, and I say she stays."

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