Master Ren

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Slave POV-

I sit in my room, still stunned that I have my own space to call my own. I look around the room to take in the space completely. It doesn't feel like mine, and I know better than to get used to it. It could be taken away at any moment. For all I know, the Knights of Ren could use me to settle a debt that they have with another warlord across the galaxy. I wasn't sure if I would be here for a day, a week, a month, or a year. All I knew was not to get too comfortable.

My door slides open, and I look up to find Ren standing in my doorway. He has a bottle of liquor in his hands with two glasses as he walks into what is said to be my room. I study him as he moves slowly to sit on the end of the bed on my right.

Ren is tall, definitely over six feet, with medium-length silver hair that looks soft and well taken care of. His bright blue eyes remind me of the pool that the lady on Corellia had. They almost shimmer in the ship's recessed lighting. But for some reason, even though they were beautiful and bright eyes, they held a darkness and made me uneasy.

"So, Pet. Are you ready to earn your keep?" Ren asks before he pulls the cork out of the bottle with his teeth. He spits the cork on the floor and pours two glasses of liquor, handing me one and setting the bottle down by the end of the bed.

"Yes, Master Ren," I answer as I take the glass from him and hold it tightly in front of me with both hands.

"Good." Ren leans away slightly as he looks me over. "You're a pretty good cook."

"Thank you."

"Vicrul told us what you told him about your last Master, Yhlera."

"What did he tell you?" I ask since I'm confused and can't remember exactly what I told Vicrul earlier.

"He said you told him that you never enjoyed sex with your last Master." Ren sips his drink and narrows his eyes at me as he speaks.

I remember the conversation clearly now as I grip the thick glass in my hands. "It's hard to enjoy something that's forced on you that you never wanted."

"Hmm. I would guess so." Ren eyes me again as he adds more liquid to his glass. "You said Yhelra was the only Master to ever force himself on you? The only one you had sex with?"

"Yes." I'm unsure of the direction of Ren's questions, but I know that it is better than not to answer a Master when they want to know something.

"And have you ever had sex with anyone else? You know, just for fun?"

"What?" I look over at him and can't grasp what he is saying.

"Have you ever had sex for pleasure? Maybe with a house boy or another slave?"

"No," I answer quickly and firmly as my new Master looks at me. I'm not sure what answer he wants but I give him the only one I have because it's the truth.

"Have you ever found men attractive? Or are you not into guys?" Ren's smirk is amused as he watches my reaction.

"I don't know. I guess so." I shrug as I think about the man in front of me. He is definitely attractive, even though he's a ruthless killer.

I think about the men sitting up in the top of the ship. I would say I find most of them handsome. Trudgen, for sure, with his long dark hair and serious expression, is handsome. Vicrul has a gorgeous face, but then he opens his mouth, and his attitude ruins it for me. Ap'lek's short dark hair and beard are definitely attractive and I find myself wondering if his hands are soft or rough if they were to touch my skin. Ushar has a face that makes me feel at ease and comfortable. I can tell that he is most likely the kindest of the Knights but hides it with sarcasm and jokes. Cardo has an appeal that I can see other women liking, but for me, his eyes are too close together, and I don't find him attractive at all. Kuruk is the one I think of last, and while I would have to admit I find him attractive, his abrasive attitude makes me want to avoid him at all costs.

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