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Pet POV-

I clutch tightly to the angry Knight whose arms are secured around my body in such a possessive grip that it scares me. I mentally prepare myself for his wrath once we are back on his ship and try to stay calm, but fear overcomes me. I shake and sob as I bury my face in his neck as I recall what I had just witnessed back in the doctor's office. I can't get the images out of my mind, and they replay over and over as Trudgen cuts limbs and parts off of the doctor who touched me.

I inhale a deep breath and take in that sweet smell of sweat and something else that I love about Master Trudgen. It calms me slightly, but I fear his anger once it is turned against me, and I am sure in the morning, I will wake up with more bruises than I have ever had in my life. His acts of violence from moments ago are not something that I will ever be able to forget.

Master Trudgen's boots stomp up the ship's ramp and I feel the vibrations from the metal as they resonate through his legs and into my body. Voices surround me, but my mind is so cloudy with fear that I cannot make out what anyone is saying, not even my Master, who is holding me to him. The ramp bangs and clatters as it shuts and seals tightly to the outside world. I feel the air around me thicken as the undistinguishable shouting continues. Hands touch my back, and fingers dig into my ribs as someone tries to pull my body from Trudgen's grasp.

"NO!" I shout, screech, and claw against the man who I'm clinging to as I attempt to stop whoever is trying to take me from him.

Of all the men on this ship, he's the only one whose wrath I am willing to face.

"I told you to leave her the fuck alone!" Trudgen's words break through the fog as I continue to cry into him, and I feel his arms shift to push me to his hip as he now holds me with only one hand.

"I don't give a fuck about what you said!" Ren growls angrily from behind me, and I feel his hands on me again.

I dare to peek out from Trudgen's neck and see his hand not holding me swing out at Master Ren. Master Trudgen misses and Ren ducks the hit to avoid it before Ushar jumps between them and faces Ren with his hands held up in the air defensively.

"Look, man, we all need to talk about Pet. Leave her be and listen to Trudgen." Ushar glances over his shoulder at me, but I am too ashamed of what I let the doctor do, so I look away quickly.

"She's my fucking pet. Hand her over, Trudgen," Ren demands as he shoves Ushar out of the way and tries to get to me again.

"Fuck you, Ren. Touch her again, and I'll fucking kill you." Trudgen's words silence the common room as the other Knights surround us, and Ren's eyes widen in surprise.

"You want to end a life over a sex slave?" Ren smirks with condescension as his eyes dart from me to Master Trudgen. "Cause if you do, then the only life that will come to an end will be either yours or hers."

"Let's just leave her here or kill her. We don't need her. Especially if you fuckers are going to keep fighting over her!" Cardo grumbles loudly as he plops down on one of the chairs, and I do my best to ignore him.

"We can't leave her here." Ushar turns to face the other Knight, and I can't see his face as he speaks. "You guys need just to leave her alone. We have a maid and cook. Not a sex slave. Deal with it."

"Last you spoke of it, you wanted a piece of the little slave yourself. So what happened today to change your mind?" Cardo stands back up and stomps toward Ushar until their chests practically touch.

"If you'd shut the fuck up, maybe-"

"Ushar," Trudgen says his brother's name as he shakes his head. "Not now."

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