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Ren POV -

I lay next to the girl that I had taken from Yhelra's house after I had ordered Vicrul to take off his head. She fell asleep about twenty minutes ago and looked so beautiful and peaceful that I didn't want to disturb her. Surveying the bruises that littered her body, I try to feel bad for taking advantage of her, but I know that I can't. I ensured I was the first on this ship to be with her. I knew it was only time until the other Knights took their turn with our new slave. And at least this way, I had more of a claim to the girl than they did.

I gently touch the bruises that littered her cheekbones and chin with the tips of my fingers. Dark purple and green spots cover her face, almost completely hiding the freckles that sprinkled her skin. As I drag my finger down to her neck, I touch the metal collar that is secured around it. From the tan line on her skin, it looks like the collar has been on her neck for a very long time. A blue blinking light sits on the back, and as I examine it closer, I see the lock.

Quickly picking the lock, I wait for the collar to split into two pieces. I was unsure why Yhelra would have put a collar on the girl. Possibly, it kept her within bounds on his property, but for all I knew, it was electrified, and he used it for behavior correction like how you would train a dog. I didn't want that kind of collar on the girl, even if she was my new pet. There were other ways to keep a pet in line.

The collar finally clicks and opens, causing the blue light to go out. As I slowly lift the side of the collar away from my new pet, careful not to wake the girl up, I can feel a surge of something I haven't felt in a very long time. My eyes dart away to the collar, and I watch the girl's face as her bruises begin to lighten in front of my eyes. Shock threatens to consume me, but I clear my head and quickly close the collar, locking it back in place so that the blue light kicks back on.

The girl stirs, and I quietly climb out of the bed before I pull my clothes on. Turning and leaving my slave to sleep, I head for the refresher to get cleaned up. I can tell that most of the Knights are still asleep at the moment, so I'm sure if any of them felt what I had just felt. But if they had felt the surge of energy that I had, then I was positive that I would hear about it the second everyone was up and ready for the day.

Once I am ready for the day, I walk into the common room to find most of the Knights already eating breakfast at the table on the left. Passing by everyone, I walk to the kitchen, expecting to find my pet making food for everyone. But to my surprise, I am greeted by the sight of Ap'lek as he makes griddle cakes and eggs.

"What are you doing?"

Ap'lek turns and looks over his right shoulder at me. "Making breakfast. Hungry?"

"Where's the slave?" I pick up a plate and walk over to Ap'lek so that he can plate me some food. It wasn't uncommon for the man to make everyone food, but now that we had the slave girl, he didn't need to.

"Sleeping," Ap'lek grunts as he side-eyes me.

"Why isn't she up? She should be cooking."

"She's hungover since someone finished a bottle of scotch with her when she'd only eaten half a sandwich and some soup in the last three days."

I could hear Ap'lek's irritation with my actions last night, but he would never call me outright on whatever it was that bothered him. He and the other Knights knew better than that. I did what the fuck I wanted and answered to no one. And the Knights of Ren did what they wanted, but answered to me. I smirk as I feel Ap'lek's annoyance that I had been in the girl's bed last night.

"Well, I guess I wore her out last night. I can't blame her for being tired after all the fun activities we had." I smirk again and pick up a piece of bacon before ripping it violently in half with my teeth before shoving the rest of it into my mouth.

Bare feet slap the metal floor behind me, and I turn around with my plate in my hand to see the little slave pet as she comes into the kitchen. She looks tired and hungover as she goes to the sink to wash her hands. She immediately begins to wash the dishes that are in the sink and clean up around Ap'lek without a word.

"Did you have a good time last night, Pet?" I lean against the doorframe as I watch her fidget from my question.

"Yes, Master." My pet's voice is soft and submissive as she answers me, just how I like it.

"Good. Perhaps we'll have a repeat later tonight." I reach forward and tuck a stray hair out of the way and behind her ear. As I press my lips to her head, I feel her stiffen from my touch, but she doesn't pull away.

Leaving the kitchen, I go to the common area and sit down in my seat in the corner of the bench. No one speaks as we all devour the breakfast that Ap'lek has made. And my pet doesn't come out of the kitchen until we are all done with our food, ready for the dishes to be taken away. I don't bother to speak to her as I get up and head to my room to get my armor on. I need to be ready for when we land at the next stop in our journey.

Someone on Hosnian Prime owes me a great deal of money, and today's plan is to get that money back, no matter the cost of life. But as I finish buckling my saber to my belt, I think of the new pet. The way her bruises had begun to heal once the collar was removed from her neck could only mean one thing. And if she has the powers given to her by the Force, then the Force blocker must have been put on her many years ago.

I highly doubt that Yhlera had any clue that his slave had a connection to the Force flowing inside of her. If he had even the slightest clue, I'm sure he would not have allowed the girl to be bet in a poker game. Especially against me.

Hosnian Prime has all the databases I could need to do a search and find out who the girl really was, but I had better things to do with my time today, so attempting to find out anything about my little slave would have to wait. It isn't like she is going anywhere anytime soon. I know that I have a very long time ahead of me to enjoy my slave. So why would I bother to learn about who she could possibly be if it could take her away from me?

I was the leader of the Knights of Ren. Everyone feared me, and I liked it that way. I did not have the option or ability to become soft and show the girl any kindness. She was my slave, and that was something she had to deal with. Whether or not she had the Force flowing inside of her was irrelevant at this point in her life. I knew now never to remove her collar, and I would forbid my men from doing the same. I was the only one who would ever know what lay just under the surface of my little pleasure pet. And I planned to keep it that way. 

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