Feeding Time

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 I turn to the sink and immediately start to wash the crusty dishes. First and foremost, I cannot cook in a dirty kitchen. As I am cleaning more Knights come in with more dirty dishes and slip them into the sink. Vicrul is the last to come in, and I feel his hand brush my ass cheek, but I do not react. When he presses his chest to my back I ignore him and continue to scrub the pan in my hands.

I feel a hand pull my hair from the right side of my face and expose my neck. When his lips ghost my flesh, I rinse the pan and continue as if he is not there. I pick up the next dish and continue. He could pull my pants down and fuck me right there, and it wouldn't be any worse than what my previous Master did to me. I am numb to men's sexual advances at this point. My last Master had never let his friends fuck me, but it didn't mean that they didn't get handsy.

"You taste sweet, little pet," Vicrul whispers in my ear, and I continue with the dishes. "Does my presence on your back not phase you?"

"No, Master Vicrul."

"What if I bent you over right now and fucked your pretty pink pussy? You know, I was standing behind your last Master as you fucked yourself on his cock. Did you like that? Did you like me watching you?"

I swallow and take a deep breath before I speak. "Master Vicrul, would you like an honest answer?"

"Always answer me honestly." His lips trail down my neck, pulling my shirt aside as he kisses my collarbone.

"I did not enjoy it. I was terrified, and when he pushed me off and to the floor, I was relieved." I swallow hard again and continue. "And if you bent me over right now, I would be unphased because I am your property now, Master Vicrul."

I feel his hands go to my hips as he presses his erection against my lower back. "I bet I can make you come harder than your last master ever did."

I do not answer and try to focus my attention on the dried food on the plant in my hands. I have no idea what to say or how to answer that without it sounding like sass, and I don't want to give this large, angry man any sass. I want to cook and pray that I get to eat as well.

"Did you come hard for your last master, Pet?"

"No, Master Vicrul."

"Why not?"

"I...He...he never made me come," I whisper, hoping that Vicrul will not hear me.

He pulls away and stands up straight. "What?"

"I never came. I am a slave. It is not my place to enjoy such things." I scrub furiously at the dish, and once the last one is clean, I wipe my hands and turn around to see Vicrul leaning against the tiny island in the center of the kitchen.

"Did he force you every time?"

"I am a slave. I do not have a choice. If my Master commands me to my knees, that is where I go. If I am ordered to lie splayed on a table to display to his friends, then that is what I do. And when I was chained with my legs open at night, I made not a sound." I stare back at Master Vicrul and am sure I will receive a slap, but I don't. "My purpose is to make my Master, or my new Masters, happy. I am here to serve you all, Master Vicrul."

"Get on your knees." Vicrul growls, and I immediately drop to my knees. "Take your shirt off." I pull my shirt off at his command. "Open your mouth." He glares down at me, and I drop my bottom jaw, opening my mouth as wide as possible. He shakes his head and stares down at me for a moment. "Put your fucking shirt back on, get up, and cook me some food, pet."

I pull my shirt back on, and he is gone before I can get off my knees. I stare out the door after him and can't help the confused look that I am sure is written all over my face.

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