She Stays

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 I follow Master Ap'lek out of the kitchen and into the common room. Master Trudgen stands up and motions for me to follow him. He leads the way down the stairs to the right side of the room, and we come out onto the hallway where the refresher sits.

Trudgen walks to the end of the hall and opens a door. "This will be your room, pet."

"What?" I peek around Trudgen's massive frame and look into the room.

A small bed is in the corner, covered in blankets and a pillow that all look soft and warm. A stack of black clothing sits on the small dresser across the room. A lamp sits alone on a nightstand next to the bed.

"This...this is my room?" I look up at Trudgen wide-eyed as he smirks down at me.

"Don't tell me you've never had your own room?"

I swallow nervously and shake my head. "No, Master Trudgen. I've never had my own room. Nor have I had a bed that's just for me."

My voice is small as I answer my Master. He motions for me to walk into the small room, and I do. I take in the room that seems to be about ten by fifteen feet. It's deeper than it is wider. The three pieces of furniture take up almost no space as I walk the room and run my hand over the metal chest that is bolted to the wall. I'm guessing all the furniture is bolted down in case of a rough landing or enemy attack.

Trudgen smiles slightly as he watches me take in the room. "You've really never had your own room or bed?"


"Fuck. I can't even imagine that." Trudgen runs his hand through his long hair as he sighs. "And you really don't know your own name?"

"I don't think I ever had one. I don't know my parents. I was sold before my first memories solidified in my brain. Being a slave is all I have ever known."

"How old are you, pet?"

I'm thrown off by the question and stare back at Master Trudgen. My knees shake, and I slowly sink down to the bed. I'm suddenly cold, so I pull the top blanket around my shoulders. I stare at the floor and try to come up with an answer. I shake my head as I think and try to do the math.

"I..." I pause and try to think harder. "I don't know."

"You don't know how old you are?"

"No." I look up at Master Trudgen as tears run down my cheeks. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Trudgen moves deeper into the room until he is standing in front of me, and I'm craning my neck to look up at his large frame. His long black hair is wavy and comes down to his pecs, which are straining to get out of his tight black t-shirt. Trudgen's expression is one of annoyance, and I feel like I want to sink into the floor as I answer him.

"I'm sorry because I can't answer your question."

"So, who cares if you can't answer a question?" Trudgen shrugs and squats down so that he is eye-level with me. "I'm more concerned that you don't know your name or age, pet."

"Oh." I don't know what else to say, so I pick at my nails, hold my hands on my lap, and look down.

"How long were you with the man we took you from?"

"Around two years."

"And your Master before him?"

"Master Gerrick? Umm. Less than two years, I think."

Trudgen's hands rest on my knees as he looks deep into my eyes. "And you Masters before that?"

"Gerrick bought me from a woman on Corellia. I was with her for about five years. Before that, a man had me for about six months before he sold me to her. I don't know his name. He took me from Master Draro, who was a bounty hunter. I was with him for six or seven years, I think. Before that, my memory is really fuzzy. I can't tell what was a dream and what was real. I just remember a lot of pain."

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