Good Kill

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 I spend the next few weeks cleaning the Night Buzzard for the Knights of Ren, ensuring it is spotless and sanitary daily. But the Knights never allow it to stay that way for long. They have had a mission almost every day since I have been onboard, and when they come back to the ship, at all hours of the night, I find tracks of mud and debris on my lovely clean floors that I had just mopped before I went to bed the night before.

I don't spend a fair amount of time cooking since my Masters are gone most of the time as they pillage and plunder the galaxy. But when I do, Ap'lek is there watching me make the dishes I know. A few times, he shows me the recipes he likes to cook and a few techniques that save time when prepping ingredients, which I find most helpful.

Master Ren spends his time sulking in the common room during the days when he is on the ship. I can sense his annoyance at Ap'lek for being near me. Eventually, a fight ensues causing mass destruction of ship walls as the two Knights beat the hell out of each other over nothing important, namely me. Master Ap'lek finally screams that he doesn't trust me fully in the kitchen with all his expensive cookware, and this makes Ren back off, ending the fight. I feel hurt and saddened since I thought he just liked being in the kitchen with me, but I know that I should have known better deep down.

It's the nights when Master Ren is on the ship that is the worst part of my new life with the Knights of Ren. Master Ren seems to find his way to my bed after all the others have gone to sleep, and since I am a slave, I cannot refuse him. I also have no lock on my door since it was removed in the first week by the same man without telling the others. So I have no way to have privacy when the Knights are home, and I yearn for the missions that take them off the ship for days on end. Especially since some of them have started to watch me as I shower and change. At least none of the others come to my bed beside Master Ren, and I am thankful I only have to sleep with one of them against my will.

"Pet!" Master Ren's voice booms through the ship, and I set down my scrubber before pulling off my cleaning gloves.

When I exit the kitchen, I can feel the energy on the ship, which, is thick with something I have never felt before. "Yes, Master Ren?"

"Get dressed. You're coming with us today." Master Ren glares over at me as he continues fastening his boots with his foot lifted and propped on the table I just cleaned after lunch.

"With you?" I gulp as I look at Cardo and Kuruk, who are also in the common room.

"Did he stutter, or are you just that dumb?" Cardo chuckles cruelly.

"Sorry, Master Cardo." I hang my head and rush down the steps to my room.

As quickly as possible, I pull on the clothes I am supposed to wear when not on the ship. The outfit consists of black cargo pants that are tight at the ankle, a black long-sleeve shirt that is very heavy, and, according to Ushar, blaster-proof, and black combat boots that stop halfway up my calf. The last piece I pull on is a belt to keep my pants from sagging when I walk since they are slightly too big.

When I return to the common area, six Knights of Ren are assembled and ready to go. Massive weapons hang over their shoulders as they stand around, hopefully not waiting on me. The seventh Knight, Mater Ren, appears quickly as he emerges from the trap door in the floor leading to another armory that is rarely used. A large buddle of black is over his shoulder as he climbs up the ladder before tossing it to Vicrul as he steps onto the deck.

"Hand that to Pet to put on," Ren says to Vicrul with a slight nod as he reaches for his helmet on the table.

"Why?" Vicrul shifts the fabric from hand to hand before tossing it at me. "She's not going out there, is she?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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