Aquaphobia/"They're Monsters!"

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Raph's plan was to have Vern distract the cops so he could hack into the system so the guys could get April and Casey in. It was all going according to plan.

Meanwhile, Leo, Faline, Donnie, and Rocco had left the museum and made it into the sewers toward the subway tunnel to hitch a ride on a train. While walking, Rocco kept returning his eyes back to where they came from.

"Why do you keep looking back?" Donnie asked him.

"I can't help but think of Dasiy," Rocco said, facing the front and speeding up. "She's very pretty alright. I've never seen her in person before. I didn't expect her to be so beautiful."

"Yeah, well, all you're gonna do is admire from afar," Donnie said. "Mutants have no chance with the humans here."

Rocco gave a sad sigh, looking down.

"You okay?" Faline asked softly, making him turn his attention towards her.

"I just can't get Daisy off my mind," he answered. "She's the most beautiful girl in the world. But what would she think if she saw this?"

"Why don't you try and save her like the turtles did for me?" she suggested. "If she's in trouble, show up and help her."

Rocco thought about it and smiled. "You're right. I'll give it a shot."

Just then, the four reached a wide gap with a river of sewer water rushing by. The sight of water made Faline's heart beat from fear and panic.

"It's too deep to walk across," Donnie informed, checking with his goggles.

"How are we gonna get across?" Leo wondered.

Then Rocco backed up and sped up to the edge and jumped over the river, and landed on the other side. Leo, Donnie, and Faline were amazed.

"Guess there's your answer," Donnie said, and he jumped over and landed beside Rocco.

Leo groaned and followed his brother.

Once he was on the other side, he turned to face Faline, who was still where she was. "Babe, you coming?"

She snapped out of her stare at the water and glanced up at Leo. "Um...coming."

She glanced down at the water as the memory of when she fell through the ice was flashing through her mind.

She gulped. "I...I think I'll take the long route."

"What?" Donnie looked confused and bewildered while Rocco and Leo glanced at each other with confusion. "What's wrong with you?"

She kept glancing up at the boys and back at the water with terror in her eyes. "N...n-nothing."

Suddenly, a fish shot out of the water and landed on her head. She screamed so much she lost her balance, smacking the fish off, and fell into the water. Her head popped up as she gasped and climbed out, shaking with terror.

Rocco approached her, wrapping a foreleg around her shoulder. "You okay?"

Faline was panicking too much to answer.

"Oh no, she's having a HEART ATTACK!!!!" Rocco cried out in horror.

Leo rushed to his girlfriend and wrapped her in a hug, shushing her gently. "It's okay, it's okay...just breathe."

Faline took a deep breath and calmed down. Leo pulled away from her as she turned to him. "Thank you, Leo...I really needed that."

"Babe, what happened there?" he asked in distraught and worry. "You just started panicking."

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