First Tattoo

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I was in my room when training was over, scrolling through my phone. My boyfriend stayed behind for extra training, so it was only me, myself, and I.

As I was scrolling through one of the social media sites, I stopped when I saw a pic of a tattoo displayed on the forearm. The person commented how it was amazing that the tattoo artist did the details, the shading, and so on.

Looking at the picture brought me back memories:

"Could I have a tattoo, please?" I asked my parents who were watching a soap opera on the TV.

I just turned eight years old on my birthday, and I had looked at pictures of nice-looking tattoos on women's bodies in a book. The only problem was that I needed consent from my parents to get one.

"Why, of course you can, Faline," my mother said with a smile. "A tattoo would look beautiful on you."

"Tattoos would totally take a boy's liking to you," my father added. "After all, your mother's worked for me."

I got up from my bed to my dresser to check my money allowance before I suddenly realised. I needed permission, and the rule was that tattoo artists needed a parent in person for proof. Even if I asked Master Splinter for permission, there was no way he would ever set foot outside the sewers. I sighed in defeat and put my money away.

"What's with the sigh, Princess?"

I yelped startled and turned around to see Raph trying to hide his expression but failed as he laughed.

"Raph! You scared me!"

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, you'll live," he said as he sat down on my bed. "Come on now, tell me what's going on."

I sighed and sat down next to him. "Well, I've wanted to have a tattoo for a while now. I was going to try to get one, but I can't unless I have a parent in person to give consent. I can't ask Sensei know."

He slowly nodded in understanding. "You know. I can give you one."

I looked at him. "You can? Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, I did it on my brothers and myself, and it turned out great."

I giggled. "I never knew you were good at tattoos. But what do I owe you?"

He shrugged it off. "Consider this as a favour. You owe me one next time."

I smiled and shook his hand. "Deal."

Suddenly I realised something. "Raph, I don't know what kind of tattoo I want."

"Don't worry about it. Just leave it to me."

"I trust you."

*Ten minutes later*

"Oww! That hurts!" I complained at Raph.

"Quit your whining and hold still, Princess," he said, rolling his eyes at my drama.

I had been sitting on the table for at least ten minutes, and I had no idea how uncomfortable it would be, especially dealing with a needle. He had been moving his hand around a lot, possibly to outline it, but I still wasn't sure what the design was yet.

"First tattoo?"

I looked up to see my boyfriend, Leo, leaning against the door with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah," I replied in a board tone before grunting in pain from the needle again.

Leo pulled up a chair and sat on it backwards. He crossed his arms and laid them on top of the chair, facing me as I gazed at him.

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