The Truth and Fights

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I opened the bathroom door a crack and peeked through. My parents and aunt were gone. This was my chance. It was NOW, or NEVER. I opened the door all the way and stepped out. I took out the band, which held my long blonde hair in a plat, entwined the braided hair with my fingers, and tied it up into a curly ponytail, exhaling a deep, confident breath.

I tip toed across the hall to the door, slipping out the key, which I had nicked from my aunt earlier out of my pocket to unlock the door that she had locked so Casey and April couldn't get out

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I tip toed across the hall to the door, slipping out the key, which I had nicked from my aunt earlier out of my pocket to unlock the door that she had locked so Casey and April couldn't get out. Checking to make sure no one was coming, I put the key in the lock and, with a click, unlocked it. slowly, and gently opened it. Once inside, I saw April talking on my aunt's phone. Casey must've taken it from Aunt Rebecca without her knowing.

"Look, Vern, I've got bigger problems than myself right now, okay?" April whispered harshly into the phone. "Baxter Stockman has doctored footage of me and Faline from TCRI, but I'm betting there's some sort of a secondary feed that will show that he's been working Shredder and that they turned Bebop and Rocksteady into mutants too."

Bebop and Rocksteady are mutants, too? I thought in surprise. First those turtles, Rocco and Faline, and now those criminals?"

"I want you to be the hero that the whole city thinks you are?" April said sweetly.

Once she ended the call, I opened the door and stepped inside of the room. Upon noticing me, they each gave different facial expressions; April looked surprised while Casey looked confused.

"Norris?" he questioned.

"Is she a cop?" April asked him.

"Well, she's a trainee for the station," he corrected. "She's Officer Norris."

"Oh, please, just Daisy," I said, a little flattered as I sat down in the chair in front of them. "I just wanna chat."

"Go on then," Casey said with his arms crossed.

"It's about the turtles and the wolves," I said quickly.

"They're not the criminals if that's what you're thinking," April said almost immediately.

Holding my hands up, I said. "Oh, no, no, I know they aren't."

Casey raised a brow. "So what is this about?"

I glanced down at my hands, a little embarrassed. "I just wanted to know about how you guys knew them."

"That's it?" Casey asked. "You came in to ask about those turtles and wolves because you wanted to know more about them?"

April sent him a slight glare before she turned back to face me. "I knew the turtles as babies."

I was surprised as I listened.

"They were my pets when I was a little girl as well as a rat," she said. "The five of them were used as test subjects in my dad's lab when he was working along with Eric Sacks."

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