11. Church

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Issac was cruising down the street. The class got canceled and he didn't feel like going back home because then he wouldn't feel like attending the rest of the classes.  

It was such a waste of time. He would've been in the gym training for his upcoming match.  

He peered at his phone for the fourth time today. Last night Innessa followed him on IG. He was tempted to send her the request, but he refrained from doing so. It was all an act so there was no need to indulge deeper.  

He noticed a girl hurrying down the road. She had very similar hair to someone he knew. Wait. It was Innessa herself.  

At first, he was about to hurry over to her but then he refrained from doing so.  

Where was she going?  

This wasn't the way to the cafe where she works.  

He quietly followed her, which was absurd, but he was curious about the little miss. He knows nothing about her; even her IG profile was private. Annoying.  

From her sweet accent and her name, he could gather she was from Russia, but he still wasn't sure.  

He followed her from a safe distance. A car kept honking a horn behind, but he couldn't care less. If possible, he decreased the speed which caused the driver to change lanes as he drove off glaring at Issac who flipped him off ready to throw some hands.  

Issac frowned when he found Innessa heading to the church. He parked his car far away from the church and followed right after her, not wanting to let her out of his sight.  

He watched as she greeted a couple of ladies and their kids. Opening her bag, she pulled out chocolates and handed them to the kids who beamed and hugged her legs as she laughed, her eyes twinkled. She was wearing a blue colored knee-length dress that made her eyes stand out. Her hair opened and in light waves. She reassembled the depth of oceans, cold yet warm. Alluring yet deadly. 

Issac couldn't pull his eyes off her. Never in his life had he ever stepped into a church but here he was stalking a girl who was bugging him without even doing anything.  

She walked down the aisle and he followed silently. Issac slid into one of the long seats as he watched the girl kneel before the familiar holy Cross as she clasped her hands together, closing her eyes she prayed to God, and the man was sucked in a trance as he soaked her in.  

Her soft lips moved in gentle whispers, knuckles turning white with her devoted praying. Her head bowed slightly and then ever so adorably she pouted as if complaining to God about certain inconvenience.  

Issac couldn't peel his eyes off her. Resting his hands on the headrest of the long seat in front of him he leaned closer pressing his fingers on his lips. It was intriguing. Fascinating even. How could someone look so angelic by doing absolutely nothing? 

His eyes left a heated trail on her bare legs, her hair looked so silky and soft. He wondered how they would feel wrapped around his fist as he- 


He cussed inside his head glaring at the girl now. She wasn't an extraordinary girl then why the f*ck she was having so much effect on him to the point he was having such raw thoughts about her in a church, not that he cared about the place. Innessa was an ordinary girl studying hard to maintain her scholarship and attend church. A typical nerd. She even looked like one.  

He sat there peering at her vehemently throughout her prayer. Not once did he look at the Holy Cross or care for the holy place he was at. His eyes were focused on the girl in front of him.  

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