27. Fear

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Innessa didn't know for long she sat outside in the park near her dormitory, she kept crying until her eyes were swollen and puffy, no tears were left as she stared cluelessly at nothingness.

Her phone dinged with a message. Scarlett was ranting in their chat group. Innessa checked the time. She had to get back before the security guard locked up the gates.

She felt so drained and exhausted making her way back to the dormitory. She lowered her head because she must look like a mess right now.

Innessa opened the door of her room with her card key and stepped inside, closing the door as it automatically locked. She placed the card key and bag on the table, toed out of her shoes, and stepped into the darkness.

Ambling further inside she plopped on the bed face first and hugged her pillow not wanting to cry again but tears brimmed in her eyes.

Barely a second or two passed when the hair at the back of her neck rose and her shoulders tensed. She felt it before she even saw it. The faint familiar scent, the coldness of the room.

Innessa abruptly sat up straight. Her eyes darted around her room in sheer panic. Faint light from the lamp on the street was casting a light glow on the ceiling. She stiffened noticing a silhouette. Someone was sitting on her chair.

She abruptly jumped out of bed and dashed to the lights quickly switching them on.

Her eyes widened and terror struck her soul when her eyes met with the cold cognac hues that were scrutinizing her.

Issac sat on the chair in her room wearing a black shirt and sweats, he was donning a couple of bruises and a cut on his eyebrow. His hair was in bangs as if he freshly showered.

She stepped back only for her foot to touch his shoes which were near the door right beside hers.

Her alert gaze flickered to the card key on the table. How did he get inside? For how long he was there in her room? The fact that he could get into her room without being caught was terrifying.

"H... How did you get in?" Her voice was small and shaky.

"That's not what matters, Innessa. I told you to stop. Why did you run away from me?" His voice was cold and dark.

"That's not matter? You sneaked into my room like this. It's illegal-" She stopped abruptly seeing his dark eyes.

"I... I don't want to talk, leave me alone," She whispered, lowering her gaze.

She was scared but she was forcing a brave facade on. After everything that happened in the last couple of hours, it felt like she was talking to a stranger who deceived her.

"Leave you alone? I think it's better to clear things out right now before the misunderstandings grow." He said calmly, making her feel worse.

"Misunderstanding?" She said sharply. Her eyes zeroed on him as she glowered at him.

"There's no misunderstanding in this, Issac. You lied to me. Played with my feelings. Used me. Deceived me. You did nothing but play tricks on me," she said angrily, trying her best not to cry and keep her voice strong.

"Used you?" There was a dark edge in his tone as he got to his feet. His stance was cold and his eyes deadly as he took predatory steps in her direction.

She tried to remain unfazed and did her best to remain on that spot but the sudden icy aura that enveloped him forced her to step back in fear. Her room felt so small because of his intimidating presence.

Every step he took towards her, she took two steps back until her back touched the door and she flinched with the sudden contact. Within seconds Issac was in front of her, standing in her personal space looming over her like a beast.

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