20. Games

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"Are you going to church tomorrow?" Elena asked.

"Yeah," Innessa said.

"Do pray for my good grades," Elena said.

"Why don't you come along and pray by yourself? That'll be better and more effective," Innessa put her books in the locker while Elena leaned on the lockers beside her.

"I'll try to but if I don't make it, I want you to do it for me," she said as Innessa nodded.

"Does Issac know you go to church?" she asked while chugging down water from a sipper.

"Yeah, I once saw him in the church as well," Innessa said which caused Elena to choke on water, she began coughing hysterically while patting her chest.

Innessa quickly rubbed her back and patted a bit aggressively causing Elena to wheeze a gulp of breath as she inhaled deeply.

"You, okay?"

"Knight? Did you see Issac Knight in the church? For real? Am I dreaming? That's freaking news," Elena exaggerated, gaping at her causing Innessa's brows to furrow in confusion.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"Surprised? I'm blown away by this news. Your goodness must be rubbing on him," She muttered the last part to herself while thoughtfully gripping her chin.

"What do you mean?"

"You see, you are well aware of which sort of guy Issac Knight is. So, it's a complete surprise to know he goes to church despite that reputation." Elena said.

"What reputation? What sort of a guy is he? What are you talking about?"

"To be honest, after getting to know you I never thought you'd date someone like Issac, but I think he's a good guy. You said he's a gentleman and also goes to church. No one, seriously no one knows about this side of him," Elena kept rambling which left Innessa puzzled.

"You talk as if you know Issac," Innessa said.

"Who doesn't know about him?" Elena asked.

"Why does everyone know about him? To the point that a girl in the psychology department who had never talked to him also knows about him," Innessa said.

Elena's brows furrowed. "Do you know Chris Evans? Henry Cavil? Leonardo DiCaprio?"

"I... I do, but what does that have to do-"

"You know them because they are famous. The same goes for Issac." Elena said and continued while facing her.

"But you sound like you don't know why Issac is famous?" Elena said frowning but then her eyes widened.

"Have you ever been to his match-" Elena was cut off by Archie.

"Guys!" He sounded urgent, garnering both of their attention as he came to a halt in front of them.

"What?" Elena asked.

"Do you know about Henry?" Archie asked.

"What about him?" Innessa asked in a low voice.

"He was found beaten and bruised on the highway. Even his fingers were broken." He said and both the girls stiffened at that news.

"What?" Elena asked, shocked.

"Someone tortured him and then disposed of him on the empty road. A local found him in the early dawn and admitted him to the hospital. That's why he wasn't showing up in university for the last three days," Archie said.

"Everyone knows it. Some say that someone must've taught him a lesson for bullying the weak. Even his friends didn't know who did this to him. His parents involved the cops in the case, but Henry says he didn't see the person who did this to him," Archie said.

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