14. Bruised

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Innessa let out a groan sleepily as her eyes fluttered open and she blinked a couple of times. Instantly taken by awe at the sight of magnificent stars gleaming in the dark inky sky.

"You're awake," The deep voice thickly British accented had her head snapping to the person sitting three steps from her and her eyes widening in surprise.

She abruptly jerked up in a sitting position only to wince when her head throbbed.

Innessa noticed a coat on her legs which belonged to him and just like that everything came back, which happened a couple of minutes ago and her heart sank. Stomach twisting up in knots.

Her fingers lingered on her lips feeling them swollen as her heart constricted in her chest.

He took her first kiss.

Tears pricked the back of her eyes as she tried not to cry and bottled up her emotions. She was scared. Innessa couldn't even describe in words how she felt when he kissed her.

"Innessa?" His voice startled her. Pulling her out of her muddled thoughts.

She had no courage to look him in the eyes as she aggressively fidgeted with her fingers.

"Are you alright?" He asked rising from the chair enough to drag it closer to her as he sat back on it, peering at her with that dark gaze that made goosebumps rise on her skin.

Alright? He almost killed her with that kiss. She thought she'd die because of lack of oxygen.

Issac was so scary.

The Issac she witnessed a couple of minutes ago was completely different from the gentleman she knew. The person who pounced on her wasn't a gentleman at all.

He could've simply pecked her lips but the way he kissed her... Those memories flashed in her head causing her neck to turn a bright shade of red. It felt like he would eat her alive. Just the thought of it sent shivers down her spine.

"W... Why?" She forced the word out of her parched throat.

"W... Why did you do it?" Her voice was small and shaky. Innessa wanted to hug her knees to her chest and hide away from his burning gaze. It was as if he could see right through her soul.

"I..." A thick silence engulfed them before he sighed.

"I apologize," he said calmly.

Innessa hesitantly peeked at him through her lashes, her face was cast down with her hair veiling half of her face.

Where she looked so flustered, scared, and in a loop of malfunctioning glitches. Issac sat there calmly, his broad frame taking most of the space as he looked deadly intimidating and casual. As if he didn't just try to eat her alive.

Why did it feel like he wasn't sincere? The apology felt hollow. It was just a feeling she couldn't pinpoint or name.

"I was mad at Henry for stalking me for the last few days. I wanted to drill it in his head that we were dating so he'd leave us alone. It worked though. I saw him leaving angrily," he said leaning forward, his fingers intertwined while his elbows rested on his wide-spread thighs.

"But I stepped out of the line. I apologize. I know it was too sudden for you, but this was the best way to make Henry leave you alone," he said calmly.

She expected him to explain more so she could properly understand why he accelerated the kiss and involved the tongues and all those sinful things. But Issac remained silent, peering at her fiercely which had her fidgeting on her spot as she glared at her lap.

"I... I want to go home," Her small voice filled the silence.

A couple of seconds passed and for mere seconds it felt like she angered him but that wasn't the case.

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