16. Deal

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Innessa thought that Henry had forgotten about her, but she was wrong. Fear cocooned her heart as she stood rooted to her spot, her legs felt heavy, and she couldn't move.

"Why do you look so pale?" he asked coolly, leaning closer as she flinched back. Tears stung the back of her eyes when she noticed three of his goons standing in the shadows of the alley snickering and smoking, waiting for his orders to hurt her.

Her fear-filled eyes darted to the almost empty street. Henry had pulled her into the alley. They were in shadows, no one could see them. If she screamed for help Henry would cover her mouth and would hurt her for pulling that dare on him.

Sweat beads spread across her forehead, she could feel the wild thumping of her heart in her ears. She was certain that her heart would burst out of her ribcage any second.

The clouds rumbled loudly followed by an untimely downpour. The raindrops were coming down at them hard and fast; drenching them instantly.

"W... What do you want?" she asked with mustered-up courage. She hated herself for being so weak and scared in front of him.

"How many times do I've to tell you this? I thought you were intelligent, but it seemed like you're too dumb, Innessa," He spat annoyed by her.


"Is not here right now. So, what's going to happen to you now, poor thing?" He mused, flashing her his wicked smile.

"If you hurt me, he'll kill you," She used the old tactic and he scowled at her.

"I didn't see you guys together for the past week. It looks like you guys aren't together anymore, so who's going to save you now?"

Her voice got stuck in her throat, as she tried not to panic and think rationally.

"I'm thinking of something," He mused excitedly, pulling out a pocket knife. He twirled it between his fingers skillfully.

"I'll make the dean kick you out of the academy. How about I snatch your scholarship for rejecting me? This will teach you a proper lesson." He grinned.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she brokenly shook her head. Not her scholarship. She had worked so hard for it. It was her dream. Her family's expectations. She couldn't let him ruin her life. Her future.

"I've earned it. You cannot forcefully take it away from me," she said with fake bravado, meeting his eyes head-on. His face hardened as he closed his eyes to control the anger.

Innessa took advantage of that fleeting second as she shoved his chest. His knife got in the way, slicing her palm as she winced in pain, but Innessa couldn't care less. She made a blind dash out of there and ran down the street in hopes of reaching her dorm. Her heart shrank in raw fear when she heard their footsteps getting closer, they were coming after her. She didn't even want to imagine what would happen once they caught her.

She felt Henry's fingers trying to grab her shirt as she fastened her pace with a stifled scream. She glanced at him over her shoulder to find them so close.

In her hysteria, she tried to cross the road before the car would pass but she wasn't fast enough as the flashing headlights almost blinded her, and she closed her eyes waiting for the impact while her heart ceased to beat.

The car stopped with a screeching sound just inches away from her.

She slowly opened her eyes to be blinded by the flashlights and rain as she raised her hand to block the light. Innessa couldn't feel her legs anymore. They were numb as she dropped to her knees.

The person stepped out of the car and hurried over to her. Tears gathered in her eyes and dripped down her cheeks when her eyes locked with those familiar cognac brown eyes.

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