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Camila didn't seem upset. She looked more concerned about Bella. There was just something about Bella that made me want to help her.

" She called me her mom and I told her I wasn't. Then, she said how her mom promised to come back, yet she never did. She is by herself, Camz," I explained with tears in my eyes,

" Well we can put her in foster care," Camila suggested.

" I don't know. There is a story to why her mom didn't leave her there in the first place."

Sighing, I sat on my bed. Camila sat next to me. Softly, she kissed my forehead. The relationship between me and her was complicated. I knew she was in love with me. Her heart's been broken so many times. Also, I don't want to put the group in jeopardy.

" Mommy!" I heard from the bathroom. Camila frowned. I sighed before going to the bathroom to see her playing with her doll in the tub.

" Bella, I am not your mom. I'm Lauren," I told her, sitting on the toilet.

" Lawn," she mispronounced. For some reason, I liked it. It was adorable.

" Are you ready to come out? I got your clothes."

Bella nodded, standing up. I dried her with a towel. She wasn't scared of me. Maybe deep down inside she still thinks I'm her mom. Helping her with her clothes, I noticed her bruises. Did her mom or dad do that?

" Lauren, what do I tell the other girls?" Camila asked from her bed. I tied her curly hair in a ponytail. She took my hand, following me to bed.

" Nothing yet. Wait till tomorrow."

Bella had trouble getting on the bed, but eventually got on the bed. She crawled under the covers.

" Lawn, stay," the little girl begged. Smiling, I snuggled with her as she fell asleep. I felt Camila staring at me. I just remained with my eyes clothes.


" Lawn, Lawn," I heard Bella crying out for me. Awake, I saw the girls surrounding my bed. They were trying to tell Bella that they won't hurt her.

" Bella, these are my friends," I hushed her, sitting up. She whimpered in my chest." They won't hurt you. I promise."

" Mommy friends no good," she cried. I kissed her head.

" Yes, but Lawn's friends are good."

Bella stopped crying. There was a couple of sniffles before she looked at the girls. The girls looked in awe.

" She's so pretty. She is obviously mixed though," Ally commented. Her skin was dark, but not very dark. Her eyes were a dark green with a little brown in it. She was beautiful.

" What's her name?" Normani asked, taking a seat at the end of the bed.

" This is Isabella," I smiled." She's is-"

" FOUWR!" she giggled. I chuckled with her. Her smile made me very happy.

" How long is she staying? " DInah said." I ain't having my sleep disrupted."

" I don't know. Maybe in till we find her mom or someone who can take care of her," I answered, sadly.

" No! Mommy bad! She in trouble," Isabella disagreed, I frowned. There was something incredibly wrong.

" Izzy, can you go brush your teeth for Camz, so we can talk," Camila smiled. Isabella nodded. They waited before she left completely to bitch at me.

" Lauren, you hate the press. This will make people question who she is. She looks like you in a way," Normani informed me like I didn't know.

" Her mom was probably on some hardcore shit. Then, left her when she was a problem. If she sees her daughter on TV, she will come back. Next, we will be in a courtroom for kidnapping. She will win, get money, and buy more drugs," Dinah added.

" Plus, we won't be able to pay much attention to her," Ally also added in.

" Also, what if she accidentally calls you momma or mommy," Camila frowned.

" PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP! I screamed, having enough.

N/A: hey, this story should be updated daily or every other day. Maybe twice. Also which cover is better?

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