Two Weeks Later

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I was honestly shaking. CPS called me in today to sign the papers. After a short trial, Isabella was mine. Camila agreed to sign it with me. Ally decided to keep her baby. When she found out, she was already 2 months. The symptoms didn't show right away.

" Mommy," Bella called from her booster seat." I want home!"

" We have to get this done so you can be permanently mine," I told her.

" I want see Ally's rat," She whined. Camila and I rolled our eyes. Dinah keeps calling the baby a little rat. She was destined to start soon.

" Don't call Ally's baby a rat," Camila scolded. Getting out the shuttle, we made our way inside the building. Isabella held both of our hands tightly.

" Scary."

" Yes, BabyGirl. It is scary," I agreed. We went up to this lady at the window who gave us our papers to go through.

" We have an appointment under Lauren Jauregui," I informed. She nodded. I got a slip of paper that had the information and facts about adopting.

" Mrs Wilson will be with you shortly," the lady said. Nodding, we took a seat. Isabella sat in Camila's lap.

" I get two mommies," she told the guy next to us. We snickered at her. The guy raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

" How she we come out to the fans?" Camila asked.

" We will just let them figure it out on their own," I replied." I mean they will find out."

" That's true," Camila giggled. Oh my god. She's so beautiful. I can't believe we are going to raise a child together. I didn't think it would happen this soon.

" Miss Jauregui?" The lady called. Holding hands again, we walked into the room. Bella was in Camila's arms this time.

" Afternoon ladies," he smiled. We took a seat in front of his desk. There was only two seats, so Bella sat in her lap.

" Afternoon," she smiled at him. He laid down two papers for us to fill out.

" The one on top is all the issues she has. You need to sign it so they know you saw it," he informed. She didn't have a lot of issues. Turns out, she's allergic to semen. Wow, I'm kind of glad as a mother. They found out after Lou raped her. She got all red and itchy down there.

" Miss Cabello, you sign too."

She did. Her face when she read the semen part was the best thing ever.

" Now, you guys need to figure it who's name she gets."

We both gazed at each other.

" Cabello-Jauregui?" I suggested.

" Jauregui-Cabello," she corrected.  Nervously, I wrote it down. Then, signed the paper. Camila signed it next.

" You guys are officially parents!"

Smiling, we did a tight family hug.


" How was it, presciosa?" Ally coed to the litter girl. Her baby bump already was trying to show.

" I got mommies!" She shouted, running into the house to see everyone else. We decided to have a party. Isabella turned 5 during the time we had her. Since we didn't know her birthday, we didn't celebrate it.

" Our families are inside," Ally smiled. We were back in Miami, so it was mostly my family and Camila's.

" Where's the Angel?" My mom asked with a smile.

" She's here somewhere," I said, taking the mangos from the fruit bowl. The backyard was literally filled with people. Troy and Masi cooked the meat for us. The guys kind of stayed together beard the barbecue pit.

" Dinah, Stop!" I heard a giggle behind me. Dinah had Camila in her arms.Camila immediately made a straight, serious face." I'm not joking put me down!"

" Okay," she smirked before dropping her in the pool. Isabella watched from the side, laughing. Ally was finishing her cake. Normani was in the restroom last time I checked.

" You think you can handle her?" My mom said.

" Yeah, Isabella is a well behaved kid. She has a lot of potential. She may be smarter than me," I smiled at that thought.

" I was talking about Camila."


LAST CHAPTER. HOPED YOU ENJOYED THIS FIC. I may start another one later. I honestly don't think i finish Stockholm Syndrome. That story is dead to me

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