Worry and Fear

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It has been about two weeks since we have saved Bella. She adjusted fine. My parents agreed to help me with this secret. I was so thankful. Isabella is my life. I will do anything for her.

" Guys, we have bad news," Will says, walking onto the bus. Isabella was asleep in my arms. Half of her body was on Camila.

" What happened now," Dinah groaned.

" Clarissa had to leave this tour early for family reasons, so we got a new make up," he explained.

" I think we can handle it as long as he or she can do what we want to our face," Ally joked. With that, Will left to his bus with some of the other members. One good thing about this tour was that we got our own bus.

" I am going to take Bella to bed," I informed the others. Carefully, I put her on the bottom bunk, my bunk. She was so adorable. As I was admiring her, a set of arms wrapped around my neck.

" She still reminds me of you," Camila mumbled in my neck." She has the same personality in a way."

" I can see that," I smiled. Camila kissed me goodnight. Then, went to her bunk. Snuggling, I slowly fell asleep. I was half way asleep when Isabella started to scream.

" Mommy! Mommy!" she cried out. Comforting, I held her closer.

" It is okay. Lauren is here. Lauren is right here, protecting you. The girls are right here too," I calmed her.

" Lawn, daddy gone," she cried. Gulping, I nodded. Her father was dead.

" I am here though. Don't worry about your past."

She nodded back. Her grip was tighter on my arm that I wrapped around her. It was funny how I told her not to worry about her past when I do.


This morning we were going to meet our new make up artist. It was a guy, who had sleeves all up his arms. His beard was groomed. There was this weird vibe I got from him though.

" You have pretty eyes," he said, applying contour.

" Thanks," I smiled. Camila walked in the room with Isabella in her arms. They both had a popsicle from the cafeteria. Isabella frowned when she was the guy.

" You look amazing,Lauren," Camila commented. Since he was new and temporary, we didn't want him to know about us.

" Thanks, Camz," I smiled back. Setting Isabella down, Camila stared at me.Wow, thanks for making it obvious Camz.

" Lawn, " Bella called from behind Camila's leg.

" Yes, Bella," I replied. She was scared of the new guy. I didn't think much of it because She was scared of ever new person. I felt like I should of. It was hard.

" She seems like the shy type," my make up artist chuckled. Camila put her hand on Isabella's back.

" Yeah she is," I agreed. " Her name is Isabella. I call her Bella while the girls call her Izzy or Izza."

" I am Matt," he smiled at her. She didn't wave back. When I was done, I scooped her up. We were going to go on soon. I was the last one to get my makeup done.

" He bad," Bella whispered in my ear. At that moment, I didn;t know if I should believe her or just think it is just something kids do. Right before I was about to go on my phone lit up with a text message.

" Oh god," I gasped.

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