Lil Isabella

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" Mommy?" Isabella frowned. Her mom dragged her into an alley. Three men were following her. Isabella was scared and confused.

" Listen, Mommy has to go. You need to stay here. I'll be back. Just stay out of sight," She said, quickly. With tears forming, Isabella did as she was told, holding tightly to her doll.

" I love you Mommy," she cried. Her mom hugged her one last time.

" I love you too."

{ three weeks later}

Isabella had lived off of anything she could find or steal. She was dirty, smelly, and still terrified. Isabella had curls do to the fact she was mixed with Cuban and African American. Her skin was olive. Not too dark nor too light. Her doll was always at her side. It was her safety blanket.

" Mani! Shh! Someone will hear you," a girl with dark hair and light skin said. It was night time,so Isabella couldn't really see her face. Silently, she followed them. Her heart sped up. There was this feeling in her gut that made her hopeful.

" Lauren, come on. You both share a room," the girl with a dark skin tone replied. At a distance, Isabella continued following them to heir hotel. Lauren and Normani turned around after pushing the elevator button.

" Wait! I dropped my earring. You go up. I'll be up there in a minute," Lauren frowned, holding on to her ear. Isabella rushed to the couch, hiding and watching Lauren. Lauren looked like a younger version of her mom. Her mom is still young. After all that heroine and crack, her face changed.

" Mommy!" She shouted, hugging Lauren's leg." You back."

Her voice still was small and cute just like her. It sounded more like a two year old though.

" Hey," the older girl whispered, been dig down to Isabella." I think you got the wrong person."

" No! My mommy!" She whined, hugging her. Lauren felt bad. She could tell this girl been through a lot.

" Listen, I'm not your mom. But if you want, I can take you upstairs to sleep and take a bath," Lauren said. Sadly, the little girl nodded. Smiling, Lauren carried Isabella.

" What's your name?" She asked her.

" Isabella," she replied. They went in the elevator together. Isabella still felt sad. She wanted her mom and dad back. Her dad died. He was shot. No one knows who though.

" I will call you Bella because you're so beautiful. You have my eyes. I guess we both are from planet green eyes," she joked. Bella giggled. Bored, He played with Lauren's hair. It was so long and luscious.

" You pretty," Isabella told her. Lauren let out a small chuckle.

" Thank you."

The hotel room had two beds. It was huge and beautiful. Isabella never seen anything like this before.

" I guess Camila isn't here," Lauren huffed. Lauren went through Camila's hair stuff to find a pink bow. Then, went to her stuff to find an extra toothbrush.

" Undress," Lauren told her,giving a towel for her to cover herself." I'm going to wash your clothes real quick."

" Okay," she mumbled, scared. Frowning, Lauren couldn't imagine what must of happened to her.

" I'll turn away. Then, I'll wash your clothes," she reassured. Undressing, Isabella thought about this girl that took her in. Lauren took her clothes from the floor after wrapping a towel around her.

" I'll be back in a minute. Sit here and watch TV. Don't be scared when a girl comes in okay," Lauren informed. Isabella did as told. She was watching Disney Channel. Nothing appropriate was on at this time other than that. Abruptly, the door opened. In came Camila.

" Uhmm hi?" she said with confusion." Are you Lauren's cousin or something?"

Isabella shook her head no. She never really caught her name, but she heard the other girl call her that.

" Where is she? And did she go through my stuff?" Camila asked the little girl.

" Clothes. Bow," was all she said. Camila didn't fully understand what she said. Not caring, Camila changed into her pajamas I'm front of her.

" My name is Camila but call me Mila if you want," she said.

" Isabella."

Smiling, Camila closed her suitcase. Camila noticed how dirty she was. Without asking, she went to the bath tub and turned it on.

" IZZY! Is this okay for you?" She asked about the temperature. Isabella nodded with a smile. She was surprised on how quick she got a nickname. Camila picked her up and put her in the tub filled with bubbles.

" Doll," Isabella whined. Getting up, she found the doll on the bed. She let her play with her doll for a while.

" BELLA!" Lauren yelled. Camila came out of the bathroom with her arms crossed.

" Explain, now!" Camila said.

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