Meet the Girls

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The girls stared at me with shock. I never yelled at them like this. It was just all this stress. They were right. But so was I.

" Isabella, can't go back on the streets. I will call her my cousin. Her parents died. I have to watch her since I am closer to where they were living. Got it?" I told them. They nodded.

" You can't raise this girl alone. Plus, your parents will know that's not true," Camila said.

" I am 19 I can handle this by myself. You guys can help if you want," I smiled,hopeful.

" I will help you, Lauren," Ally smiled back. Slowly, they all agreed to help out. We all hugged like we always do after a fight.

" Lawn," I heard from across the room. Bella was standing there with a frown.

" Baby, you can stay," I said, smiling. She ran back on the bed to hug me. " Girls, do you want to introduce yourselves?"

" I am Camila. We met last night," she started.

" I'm Dinah-Jane. You can call me DJ or anything easier for you."

Isabella hid in my chest. She only glanced at them from the corner of her eye.

" I'm Normani. The girls call me Mani."

" And I am Ally."

Mousy, Isabella waved to them. I knew she hated being around big groups. It may had to do with something her parents' friends did to her. It scared me at that thought.

" Hey, do you want me to fix your hair, We both have curly hair," Mani said to Bella. Her hair was coming out of her ponytail.

" Can you please," I told her. I wasn't use to dealing with curly hair since mine wasn't like that. Normani went to get my brush and the bow I stole from Camila. The bow was small and pink. It went with her dress she was wearing.

" We are leaving in twenty minutes," Ally informed, just getting off the phone." We are stopping at Walmart to get the things we need before getting on the tour bus."

Isabella was still at my side. She didn't want to leave my side. She was still kinda scared of all of the girls. Normani sat in front of me while Bella sat on my lap. Careful not to hurt her, she put her hair in pigtails with a bow on one side.

" You look so cute," Mani smiled at her. Isabella returned the smile. " I won't hurt you at all."

Bella crept out of my lap to hug Mani. Normani's face showed awe.

" Girls it is time to go," Big Rob said from outside the door. Nervous, I gazed at the girls. I don't know how this is going to work.

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