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After the concert, I ran to the restroom. Avoiding everyone, I let myself cry. This couldn't be happening. Everything was going so good. She was adjusting great. I was being a good mom. Better mom than her real one. I fed her, loved her, and I made her happy. When she was scared, I held her and sang. Sometimes, the other girls joined in. I was an amazing parent.

" Lauren, It is Camz," Camila called from outside the stall. I didn't respond. I wanted to be alone." Baby, What's wrong?"

" Leave!" I shouted at her.

" I am not leaving," she whispered. Her back was against the stall. She slid down it. Sniffling, I opened the door. She stood up, frowning.

" I-I got a text," I stuttered, still crying. Camila held both of my hands." I-I don-t know w-who, but-"

I couldn't finished before I sobbed again. Camila embraced me while kissing my forehead. She held me till I stopped crying a little bit.

" Give me your phone," she whispered again. Nodding, I showed her the message. Mouth open, she reread it." I can't believe it. She left her! Who the hell does she think she is!"

" Dinah was right," I mumbled." I can't keep her, anymore."

" Honestly, Dinah tells me every night how she regrets saying all that stuff about Isabella. We all did. We love her. At first, we didn't think we were capable. Now, look at us. She loves us. We love her."

" Lawn," I heard from the door. There was Isabella with her blanket. She was frowning, eyes red.

" Yes," I responded, rushing to her. My arms wrapped around her.

" Head hurts and throat," she answered. Her forehead was warm.

" I need to go get you to bed," I told her. Today, we were going to a hotel, so we could take a shower there.Picking her up, I took her to the van. The girls were till inside. It was just me and Isabella in the van.

" Isabella, I know this is a bad time, but I need to know what happened when your mom left," I cried. There was no way I could hold it in. I had to know who I was up against.

" Mommy said get doll. Men chased me and Mommy. She left," she gazed out in space. Her English got better. The reason I knew her first language wasn't English is because she talked better in Spanish.

" Did she ever hit you?" I asked, wiping my eyes. Nodding, she looked ashamed. I pulled her in my lap. I didn't like her this way.

" I am you new Mommy,Okay?" I whispered in her ear. Smiling, she nodded. Her in my warms felt so right.


When we got to the car, Lauren and Isabella was asleep. It was so cute. Dinah took a picture. Staring at them, I realized we hadn't limited time. I knew we either would lose Isabella or both of them. I love Lauren so much. She is the light in a room full of shadows and ghouls. I remember going to her when the world didn't feel right.

" I love you, Lauren," I whispered for only her to hear. Tomorrow, I will make sure they are safe.

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