Bad Mother or Bad People

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I knew who took her. No one else would of took her. It was only two people.

" Lauren, she could be wondering off somewhere," Ally tried to reassure, but I knew she was gone.

" My eyes were off her for two seconds. I swear," tears started to form as I yanked at my hair. The girls tried to calm me. It wasn't working.

" Lauren," Big Rob called for me. Glancing up, I saw my choker. ( shown above) It dangled between his fingers." I found this."

" Where did you get that?" I questioned.

" It was outside," he replied." She isn't in the building anymore."

" I gave her that because she said she wanted to look like 'mommy'," Camila added. My heart dropped. It was official. My baby got abducted.


Will told us to go home. Something I really didn't want to do. There was no way I was going to leave the state. Dinah invited me to her house. Gladly, I accepted it. Camila wanted to stay just like the rest of the girls, yet they all went home.

" Thanks again, Dinah," I said, walking in. Her family crowded around her. We hugged them, saying hello.

" Lauren is coming with me to my room," Dinah informed the others. We pulled our suitcases to our rooms. Dinah helped me put my stuff away, so her siblings don't go through it.

" Lo, are you okay?" Dinah asked me. My sight went to her. Her face had concerned written all over it.

" It is just... Your siblings remind me of Bella. Oh god I miss her so much."

" I miss her too." Dinah pulled my hand, leading her to the bed." We will find her. It is not like we don't know who has her. We know. Lauren, this doesn't make you a bad mom. I promise."

My hair fell past my shoulders while I looked down. No matter how many people tell me that. I still feel horrible.

" Do the fans know yet?" My face got flustered with embarrassment.

" Not yet. They are investigating still."

My phone rang from my purse. After searching through it, I saw Will calling me.

" Hello?" I said into the phone.

" We found out who did it?"

" Who?!?"

" Zendaya."


Yeah kinda short. Next one will be kind of long. I'm seeing 5H Sunday! Also I'm using my Twitter again. FOLLOW ME @misswritergurl

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